Anyone know where one could get small quantities? As in NOT per gallon? I usually use about tank on my 4 gallon sprayer to spray my trees and a gallon of Indar would last me 3 lifetimes .
Well, you could look at it as you need to find smaller containers of Indar…OR…a tremendous opportunity to buy more fruit trees to use your gallon of Indar on!
ETA: The active ingredient in Indar is fenbuconazole…I did a little search on it to see if I could be helpful…apparently fenbuconazole is available from a few chem supply companies as an almost 100% pure powder. You’d have to do your own research, to see if you can work with something like that and if it would be more cost effective to mix your own…but just throwing that out for the more cost conscious among us.
I’d be in if we could switch the a.i. from Indar to Pristine. Mostly because Pristine has a much broader label, and the PHI for pome and stone fruit for Pristine in 0 days. OTOH, the PHI for Indar for summer diseases on pome fruit is 14 days.
But obviously I’m suggesting a major switch here, and it is sorta off topic.
Was wondering if anybody on this thread found a way to crowdsource Indar? I would love to buy some from anybody who has it to spare - a pint, anything. I’d also be willing to trade some No-Mate OFM spirals (deception lures) I have in the freezer that I bought this year… I know I had to put them in my luggage to get them to New York, so maybe someone else is having trouble getting them.
Yeah, peaches (no nectarines here) are not my focus because the conventional wisdom is so negative on year-to-year crops in Iowa. Decent cross-activity for brown rot on peaches would make Pristine good enough for me.
Tebuconazole is another good one for brown rot from this report. You can get it in water soluble packets as Toledo 45WP.
This UC table also puts Pristine as excellent and consistent for peach scab (not something I have had) and shot hole–a huge problem for me this spring.