Welcome to Growing Fruit!

Welcome to Growing Fruit, a forum dedicated to all forms of discussion about fruits and nuts. All are welcome to contribute to the forum, there is no charge for membership and we promise there will be no ads, ever.

Forum basics

To learn more about how to use this forum, check out the FAQ.

The usual rules of civilized forum discourse apply. If you have concerns about a post, please flag it.

If you are having trouble getting your forum account activation email, just send an email to info@growingfruit.org to be manually activated. Please check your spam/junk folders before emailing us, the activation email could be stuck there.

If you have a particular question, use the search feature here to look to see if it has been discussed and if not add a new topic.

Fill out your profile!

Please make sure you fill out your location and UDSA Zone in your profile! It will better help people answer your questions if they can understand your growing conditions. Here are some instructions on how to do that.

  1. Click on your avatar in the upper right (a letter in a circle when you first join). A little menu will pop up in the upper right.
  2. Click on the little gear wheel you see there.
  3. Click on Profile listed on the left side
  4. In the Zone box add your zone, and in the Location box describe your location in general terms.
  5. After your complete the change, click on Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

Introduce yourself!

We have a running thread of introductions from new members that you are invited to add to. You are also welcome to mark your approximate geographic location on our locations map.

OK, lets get reading, posting, and learning!

Your friendly forum admins,
Steve, Tippy, Clark, Mark, and Scott

@fruitnut, @mamuang, @clarkinks, @Olpea, and @scottfsmith