What Are You going to Order for 2017?

I placed my first fruit tree orders today. Here’s what I’m planning to add:

Rubinette apple
Chocolate persimmon
Emerald beaut plum
Williams pride apple
Winblow peach
Challenger peach
China Pearl peach
Au Rubrum plum
2 Ochlockonee Blueberry bushes
4 misc. types of blackberries
Sunflower paw paw
Shenandoah paw paw
Black mission fig

What are you planning to add to your orchard in the fall / spring?


Just FYI. A similar thread is over here:

You will like Ochlockonee. That’s my best rabbiteye.

I am nearly maxed in my yard, but have some things wanting for family and a friend. For next season I want to get:
Wynoochee Early for a sister,
Court Pendu Rose for myself, to replace another small vigor tree and provide a late bloomer to set seed for Médaille d’Or,
Catshead (AKA Hog Snout) for a friend - who wants the AKA name in his orchard list!

I am casting about for someone to collaborate in creating a cider orchard. If that comes through this winter, the list will expand considerably.

I just placed my first ever order with Cumberland Valley Nursery of Tennessee. I got the following peach trees on Halford rootstock:

-Garnet Beauty
-White Diamond of Arkansas

Order will ship in late Feb. They no longer have a website. They accept orders by phone at 931-668-4153.

They are the only licensed retail nursery that sells White Diamond to backyard gardeners.

Hey Matt. What are the benefits of Halford root stock? Is that the only root stock cumberland carries (I forgot to ask when I ordered).

They have Guardian too, which I have not tried.

Halford appears to be working well for me. It is known to be adaptable to heavy clay (what I have). I have Blushingstar on it. It flowered the first year after transplant, and tried to set fruit, but the April freeze zapped the buds. The tree has a stout trunk and low angled branches. It takes to pruning well, and is my best-shaped martini glass of a peach tree.

They e-mailed me their catalog, and I called them right back to double my order, adding:

-Carolina Gold

All on Halford.

Did you have to specify halford when you ordered? Wondering if I need to call them back to request it. Sounds like halford will do well here.

Some varieties are budded on both stocks; some are only budded on one or the other. Which varieties did you order?

Here are some pages from their catalog.

I ordered these trees from here: http://www.demoerbeiboom.be/nl/catalogus

1x Morus Alba x Rubra Illinois Everbearing
1x Morus Alba Lavendel

1x Che Seedless
1x Che Male

My Neighbour gets one Morus Hybrid Geraldi Dwarf and his visitor/friend gets also one.

They are happy that i can order theirs together with mine ^^

Should get them in 1 or 2 weeks.

And next year ill order 3 hardy kiwis.

1x Actinidia Arguta Nostino (m)
1x Actinidia Arguta Bingo (w)
1x Actinidia (Arguta or Melanandra?!) Cherrybomb (w)

Ill plant all of them in spring.

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Here’s a video about the White Diamond peach:



In the video John Clark compares White Diamond to White County. I never did like the taste of White County (although my wife really liked the peach). It was very low acid, and had too much perfume for me. The perfume was so strong, it almost seemed like it tasted/smelled like it was a fragrance made in a factory.

White County was also a complete loser here from a commercial perspective. It was very large, but also had a very large percentage of split pits (probably approaching 50%). Plus it was terrible for bac. spot. Lastly, in very hot KS weather the peaches would brown internally on the tree. It was a very high browning peach anyway, but the fruit would actually brown before you cut them open, in very hot weather.

I hope White Diamond doesn’t have all the baggage White County had.

I’ve planted another release from the AR program - White River - but haven’t fruited it yet.

Thanks Mark. White Diamond is supposed to taste similar to White County but have more disease resistance like White River. Weird to hear about the perfume thing.

Here are my notes on WD gathered from various sources:

White Diamond peach of Arkansas ordered on Halford from CVN. Late white low-acid melting freestone peach from Arkansas. Said to be similar in taste to the praised White County. Grandchild of Loring. Supposed to have strong resistance to bac spot & brown rot. Unknown cold hardiness. Parent White River is known to have supreme disease resistance & brix slightly higher than Redhaven. One grower says White River survived a few winters in Z6 Kansas, but flowered early and buds got froze out one year. The following year, it collapsed under heavy fruit load. Thin if set is heavy. Should survive cold winters but buds may get froze out in years with late frosts. Estimated ripening Sept 2- 18.

Thanks Matt. As an fyi, that was me with the comments about white River in ks. I recognized my own evaluation :wink:

I used to try to grow it, but the tree died from too wet of soil. I was impressed by the descriptions out of AR and always wanted to taste the fruit, so I planted another :slight_smile:

If I am not mistaken, I think @BobVance is trialing White River too.

Yup, but I didn’t get any this year. Some of my peaches were hit by the hard frost in the first week of April. Most of the rest were devoured by critters. I think Carolina Gold is the only one I got more than 1-2 fruits from. I don’t remember any reaching maturity on the White River.

From my 2015 harvest, it is a pretty red on the inside:

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@BobVance, I clicked on that link and noticed the fruit of White River looked pretty spotty. I hope it’s not bac. spot :frowning: It’s always a bit hard for me to tell bac. spot from scab without looking at the leaves. Have you noticed any shothole on the leaves on your tree?

My tree is still pretty young, and young trees typically don’t show bac. spot on the leaves.

I was about to say- “No, I don’t think the leaves had much (if any) issue”, until I saw your last sentence. Now I need to add “but, it is still a relatively young tree, planted in 2013.”

I just ordered a replacement for an Arctic Glo Nectarine that died and am going to try Splash Pluot and Cot-N-Candy Aprium from Peaceful Valley.
When visiting San Francisco recently,I tasted some dried C-N-C and they were very good.
I may also get a Rabbiteye Blueberry,Brightwell. Brady

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