What are you ordering for 2022?

Orwia satsuma to sour orange and flying dragon in 2 weeks before scion wood dries out

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BlueGold is a nice blueberry. A bit shy on production, and most ripening in short span of time. Pretty plant, smallish…fall color is yello.


Burntridge- More hazelnuts and heartnuts.

For those saying they do not have anymore space. Trust me if you just look there is always room for one more. You don’t really need those landscape trees and bushes.

  1. Spotted lantern fly trap materials. They have arrived :dizzy_face:
  2. Monte gusto green beans (so good) and downy mildew resistant basil
  3. Another highbush cranberry. I ordered Compactum years ago because a catalog said it was self fertile and would produce lots of berries. Dramatic voiceover: it didn’t.

And that’s about it. A quiet spring because I added so much this year – cornelian cherries, lingonberries, Nanking cherries, a mulberry, another persimmon, some (gasp) ornamental trees…


I have the ‘Phillips’ cultivar of the native highbush cranberry. (Young, and I may delay a year to prune on them.)

Besides some rootstocks and a couple red currants, not sure I’ll order any trees. Probably some garden seeds, but haven’t made a list yet.


I got the same card in the mail but like the site it says they only star taking orders December 1st. You have until the 30th for the 5% discount.

I don’t know if it was mentioned, but I saw yesterday that Cummins is now taking orders for Spring 2023. Everyone is overwhelmed with orders this year. Things are getting crazy. I’m glad I ordered what I did when I did.

I was regretting that Nectafest over getting Johnboy or something until I re-read some comments here, particularly Alan’s. His comments about it are probably why I went with it, since he’s one of the people here who actually makes money from the hobby and he lives in a climate that’s almost identical to mine.

Anyways, I’d be ordering Johnboy and figuring out what else to get this year but it’s tough to get anything right now. With the exception of Fedco’s tree & scionwood offerings I’m just not seeing a lot of variety out there. I may just sit things out until Indiana Berry starts taking orders and leave it at that.

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I am ordering a dwarf Fuji apple tree and a Flame grape vine to espalier against my fence. Also, I am getting some more berries to expand my crop. Fall gold raspberry, raspberry shortcake, and ollaliberry blackberry. I am planning on growing the berries in partial shade in zone 9 Bay Area CA. It gets very hot here in the summer so I think they need some heat shelter but am worried about sufficient sunlight.


my Schlabach’s catalog came with an insert for their inventory as of Nov 22. some stuff is sold out and they appear to have moved away from the star/stellar series peaches other than coralstar, or maybe they sold it all wholesale or something, either way it’s gone. they did have an italian early sweet cherry “early star” which fills a hole for me, but almost sold out.

for apples, they have the new geneva stuff ny56 “cordera”/ny109 “firecracker”/ny73 “pink luster” plus ny1/“snapdragon” and PRI co-op 39 “crimsoncrisp”+ co-op 31 “winecrisp” and MN’s new MN80 “triumph”. all on geneva or b9 which is great. and kenmore “ny 9” euro plum (this one is weird… the normal name is not trademarked but the breeding program number is… go figure)

anyway, pretty happy with their selection even though star/stellar is gone. they don’t ship to california, washington and (drumroll)… arizona! oregon is spared, whew


We recently moved, so I am “starting over” with my garden and espalier. I really miss my morning coffee looking out into the little paradise I made at the last house! In every season it had something to admire. Luckily the new house also has a “blank canvas”.

For spring '22, I’ve ordered:

Albion Russet (Fedco)
Black Oxford (Fedco)
Claygate Pearmain (Cummins)
Cox’s Orange Pippin* (Fedco)
Frostbite (Fedco)
Grime’s Golden (Fedco)
Kerr (Cummins - this won’t be put on espalier)
Milo Gibson**
Red Royal Limbertwig (Century Farm Orchards)
Reinette Simirenko (Fedco)

Other Fruits
Contender peach (Fedco)
Mount Royal plum (Fedco)

*While I enjoyed Cox’s Orange Pippin, I have mixed feelings about how it performed at my last house. I live a few blocks from a community garden that is establishing a fruit orchard; I may donate my tree to them. To replace it on the espalier plan, I considered ordering a King David or Karmijn de Sonneville from Cummins but can’t decide which to go with. (My next pick was Canadian Strawberry, honestly, but Fedco is only offering it on standard stock this year. :\ ) My husband prefers sweeter apples while I like them to be a little more punchy and complex. I’d appreciate any suggestions, but it looks like I’ll have to order fast as everybody seems to be selling out quickly.

**The Milo Gibson is a tree I ordered while we were still living at the other house. It was an impulse purchase that I didn’t know what to do with once we decided we would be moving. Since I hadn’t gotten around to training it, I brought it with us and put it in the ground for the winter. I’ll have to give it a hard prune back to get it ready for espalier training. Hopefully it makes it.

In the autumn I will plant serviceberries, but I’m still working out where in the landscape they will work best so haven’t decided yet on which varieties/cultivars. We’ve also discussed the possibility of planting a mountain ash – Sorbus hybrida has a really interesting leaf, but I haven’t been able to find much on the berry quality.

We were so busy moving that I didn’t get the bed in the alleyway cleaned up for spring planting, but at some point I will put in some willows and American hazelnut for coppicing. If I didn’t have the big project of setting up an espalier and tilling a garden, I would maybe have the energy to squeeze them in. We’ll see. The winter is long and online catalogues are so, so tempting.


I can quit anytime I like… :smiley:

Apples (51 trees)
Arkansas Black
Black Twig
Limbertwig Old-Fashioned
Wickson Crab
Gold Rush
Chestnut Crab
Virginia Crab
Smith’s Cider
Albemarle Pippin
Cox orange Pippin
Amere de Berthcour
Brown’s Cider Apple
Black Limbertwig
Ashmead’s Kernel
Allington Pippin

Bing Cherry
Elliot blueberry


I already have almost every blackberry, raspberry and black raspberry cultivar… so in 2022 i am going to do a permaculture orchard.

Hazelnuts- 5 varieties
Peaches- 2 varieties
Elderberries- i think i am up to 9 varieties.
Grapes- 2 varieties
Apples- 2 varieties
Pears- 2 varieties
Plum- 1 variety
Mulberry- 5 varieties
Haskap- 2 varieties
Persimmon- i cant decide which 2 or 3 would be best for me yet.

I am also going to get into ornamental onions.

This fall I planted a small unused field full of 2 types of milk weed (about 1lb of local seed that i harvested)…also has bergamot, agastache, hyssop, perennial peas, and a few handfuls of some wild black berry seeds that i found beside the road that were prolific. Its going to be interesting how that turns out. Im hoping that its a pollenator/butterfly and bird paradise.


@z0r —> I just put an order in with Schlabach’s, but my catalog didn’t have that insert. I ordered the following grapes: Concord, Marquis, Somerset, Edelweiss, Everest, and Swenson White. Were any of those variieties on that list?

I can quit any time I want. My order lists as follows.
What I have, 4 Sweet lemons, 6 fukushu kumquat, 4 Meiwa kumquats, 2 valentine pomelos, I also have apple peaches Pears, goose berries, blue berries, straw berries, raspberries, kiwis, cherries, paw paws. The animals eat all my fruit except the citrus, figs, cherries, and strawberries


I ordered 50 G969 rootstocks from Cummins. Now my issue is figuring out what I want to eliminate from my wish list of varieties that I can put on the 50 rootstocks.


I have set my mind on no more than 50 fruit trees. Having decided that
, I cheated and created a tree graveyard in another area where I can move trees I’m not happy with. That way I can replace that spot with a new tree.

This fall I planted Hudson Golden Gem, Myers Royal LT, and Hollow Log all on MM111. A sobering thought occurred to me. It might make sense to get rootstocks that bear earlier. I’m not getting any younger!


all grapes still available. here’s a scan of the insert. sorry for the markings. anyone know what bg/rb mean?



Firecracker on B9 is a bummer for me. Well maybe 2023 season. I’ll plant a rootstock there. And graft something in.

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the Schlabach list shows they have 60 firecracker b9 left, maybe you could get one. were you talking about it being a bad scion+rootstock combo?