What are your spring blooms?

The pink forsythia and regular forsythia are not in the same family. I read the pink forsythia grow in Korea and is forbidden to be taken out of the area for some reason. That is why we don’t see this plant often. My pink forsythia is in full bloom right now and the regular yellow ones I have not seen buds yet

Where did you get your pink one from. I’ve never seen it sold aound my area. I’ve been to many nurseries and big box stores, believe me :smile:

I had it for 8 years, I don’t remember which place I got it from.but I am sure not from any big box stores. I can try to root it to see how easy/difficulty it roots

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My other trumpet daffodils.


My daffs are covered in snow - whether they will emerge is a question

do dafodills spread?

They do but take several years. At least they come back every year. My MIL has a bed of them that may be over 50 years old.

Tulips, on the other hand, should be treated like annuals. They come up for 2-3 years and start to fade away,

What astonishes me is the way crocus spread. I’m finding them where I never planted them

reading your post made me think of asparagus, it is showing up everywhere in my yard and neighbors. it is coming up in the cracks of my sidewalk.

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What’s the name of the first flower. We grew it in Thailand as a house plant but I don’t know the English name.

You have quite a few rugosa roses. I have a hybrid tea, a-couple of Floribunda and Austin’s.

Love all the vibrant colors. Reminds me that there is a peony of the same color as the third picture I’ve been meaning to order. :grin:

Epiphyllum hybrid, orchid cactus. This group has many colors. I love its beautiful color and huge size of the flower

Some we grew had nice fragrance, I recalled.

My peonies start to bloom.

This tellow one bought from Costco a few years ago.


First time blooming for the yellow one? Looks like an itoh peony?

No, it has bloomed almost every year since we bought it 5-6 years ago.

It is pickier than all other herbaceous peonies I grow. One year, the weather was quite hot, blooms all wilted. Another year, I had to move it to a sunnier spot as it would not bloom even though another peony two feet away bloomed without pouting.

Beautiful peonies​:+1::+1:. The fragrant one is night bloom white Epiphyllum oxypetalum. I have cuttings, send me PM if you want some

Thanks. Will do.