What did you eat today - that you grew?

Bacon wrapped grilled back strap… and a big beef tomato… I provided the deer and tomato.

Good eats…



How did the smoked tomatoes turn out?

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OMGoodness they were wonderful! We put them on pizza. Didn’t dehydrate well enough for storage, but gave us a few days of tastiness!

They didn’t last long enough for pretty pictures :joy:


Had some of my very last bluberries… tiffblue powderblue… several strawberries… okra and tomatoes today… and a couple fall gold raspberries.


Premier and Aurora, and maybe a couple of other stray blueberries tonight.
Pie (cobbler) of Niedzwetzkyana red fleshed apples.
Cherry tomatoes and Nasturtium leaves for appetizer before dinner.
(The other items for supper I didn’t grow.)

my everbearing raspberries are flowering now. im still eating nelson blackberries , acc eden reds, northland blues and royalty purples. froze alot of them. my patch of preludes is flowering which isnt supposed to happen so i think nourse made a mistake but ill take it. been eating fresh carrots, pickled some beets, cukes and some zucchini.


For lunch today… venison stew… harvested last November and pressure canned. A big beef tomato… and a few strawberries harvested yesterday evening.

And hoe’d a double row of green beans on my lunch hour… WAY to hot for that.

Going to wait till sundown to do more.



You get after it man. I’m impressed with your abilities to do all these things.

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I’ve been eating peaches for days. 1 peach tree already yields too much for 3 people to eat once they start to ripen when there’s a decent crop.


Nice peach… looks so good.

It would be nice if they ripened slowly over a month or two… and nothing would bother them… until you pick and eat.

Mine ripen over about two weeks… little more… and everything is out to get them.

I have some apple peach blackberry jam that I put up late june… going to get one of those out for this weekend.

Have a hankering for some peach now.


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I live in the suburbs and dealt with the squirrels for the most part this year. The birds are something harder to deter. We don’t have much other wildlife around here. I think mine will ripen over 2 weeks. Having a multigrafted tree with varieties that ripen at different times seems like the smarter thing to do right about now.


Tree ripe Frost peaches about 10days late , but huge fruit compared to the last 5 years.
Delicious with Cheerios on my back porch in Seattle .
No fertilizer or pesticide used anywhere in my yard


Beautiful !!!

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They look great! Bet those Cheerios never tasted better!


What did I eat today that I grew? Mostly fruit. Red Baron peach, Santa Rosa plum (weeping variety), Artic Jay nectarine, Babycakes blackberry, Gravenstein apples (from the Frankentree). There are actually 5 different types of apples on the Frankentree, but the Gravensteins are the only ones completely ripe.

I have been slacking on the vegetable gardening lately. Too many other things to do.


Harken Peach , Moonglow Pears , Burbank Plum and Flavor King Pluot.


When did you pick moonglow? I’ve been having real problems timing them as well as getting them to ripen.

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Most of the pears still hanging that was just dropped and I picked up. It was good but while others are still very hard. Since pears are not going to ripe at tree I am starting to pick few every week and put them in brown lunch bag to further ripe.

We are eating a lot of eggplant right now. (And so are all my friends!) And I am painting eggplants. They are really fun to paint because it’s a challenge to find ‘the colors’ that are in all that ‘aubergine’.

Made a ‘Caprese Salad’ tonight with our tomatoes. The rest is store bought . . . Roasted Red Peppers, Capers, Mozzarella, olive oil, salt & pepper, and GARLIC! Fabulous.