What did you eat today - that you grew?

@Marco … Herritege reds… i get a double crop with them… big crop in the spring for a month or so May 25 June 25 or so… and a smaller but steady crop in the fall late Aug until first hard frost… normally in Nov.

Dependable good berries… and the canes root shoot vigorously… easy to spread around if you want.

Below a couple of spring harvest…





Yes it’s really really good! :yum:
Yesterday i seat bellow my tree and eat until i got totally full! :grin:


Cleaning up this bed, it has the best soil in my garden.

Crookneck squashes, Ping Tung eggplants, and chives

More arugulas


French Breakfast, I’m making quick pickle with carrots, this will be served with Cuban Pork sandwich and pumpkin soup from Musquee de Provence.


Apples, lots of backyard apples that they don’t sell in supermarkets. These two are examples. I prefer Rubaiyat as it is sweeter. RL Calypso is juicier but more tart.


Because of your photos, I’m ordering 5 Joan J, thornless raspberry or bramble from Nourse today.

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@SoCalGardenNut … i started my first rasberries in spring 2020… bought 3 reds 3 golds.

One of my golds was a mix up… some type of black raspberry… i bought a couple more blacks after i tried some berries… oh so good.

With root shoot propigation which is very easy… and some tip rooting… i bet i have 100 canes now… started 5 new beds of them. Gave several to my daughter.

Love the raspberries. Wish i had started growing them 40 years ago.

Black raspberry jam is just awesome. Red is excellent too.

I hope to make a couple of new beds this late fall early winter… and plant one in JoanJ and Purple royalty… and the other in perhaps Jewell blacks.

Good luck to you !!!


October 18th and still getting cantaloupe. They aren’tas good as the summer melons, but I give them credit for not giving up.


I received a free raspberry plant before, I made a mistake of planting it in the ground, it spread everywhere, it took me 2 years to completely get rid of it. This time I’m going to put my plants in a container, hopefully I get the berries but not the spreading.

@SoCalGardenNut — I keep my raspberries contained… by planting them in beds… borderless raised beds that are mulched… and mowed around.

They are welcome to spread anywhere in the bed… I may keep them or cut them off if too many…

but if they spread out into the grass… they get mowed… and are no problem that way. Here in TN we mow weekly from April to end of Sept… and a little every other week before and after that. A raspberry shoot out in the grassy area has no chance of surviving.


i have them the same here. got to say though that my blackberry managed to send up 3 shoots from under its raised bed into my apple in a raised bed 6ft from it.

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I have to see what happens to my blackberries, last time I planted in the ground, they produced tons of fruit. In fact we got bored of picking them. So this time I put them in container, I get some blackberries but not in abundance. Maybe I don’t trim them enough.

Watercress, jalapeño peppers, and some French radishes.


Satsumas and roses from my garden. There are a lot more satsumas on the tree.

Fresh organic turmeric, Sprouts sells them for $12 a pound for much smaller roots.
I’m going to blend them with honey and give a few jars to my daughter and my sister. It does help my sister taking lower dose of BP medicine. For my daughter, it gives her a bit more energy, boosting her metabolism a bit. Natural medicine kind of thing.


Pickle them.

Only apples left to eat - Galas starting to age a bit, not into the Fujis yet.

Picked a Pink Lady and a Goldrush apple. Both were very good tasting.


I cleaned up my yard to make room for my coming fruit trees, so I saw a few of the satsumas on the ground, something has been eating them. So of course, I picked half of tree yesterday. I still have more out there, but they are greener.
This satsuma is pretty tasty, but it has an occasional seed here and there, I don’t think satsuma is supposed to have seeds.
My first pink lady is on the left, I’m going to use it in some dish, not for eating fresh, it felt on the ground.