What did you eat today - that you grew?

Back to eating from what you grow. Dried oregano from my garden is in the tomato sauce. I made Jacques Pepin’s Eggplant and red pepper terrine. I need something to weight it down more next time.


I apologize for that seeming as medical advice. I will be more careful in the future. I have no agenda. I grew that hash myself and was enjoying a cup of tea. That was all I meant by it. No more than camomile I grew myself to go with it.

I admit on second reading that it could be viewed that way. I humbly appoligize🙏. I love growing fruit and would not want to make anyone feel unwelcome.


And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us.

Yes… Forgiven.



For clarification, the “medical advice” was not the problem. Many members of my big family are in medical fields so I know what are available, and what can help in certain cases.
However, as a mother I can’t show my kids and their friends that, in the fruit forum that I was very fond of, cannabis is presented as a normal part of daily routine.
Out of respect for the hard work of the founder and all members, I do not mind if my comments are removed.
Best wishes to you all.


I got some canes of those last week. The canes have a funny purple color. I have never tried them before. I am very excited.


Watercress, this batch is growing on top of my compost pile, no wonder, it’s doing so well. I’m going to slowly cut it back, maybe by the end of Feb, making egg sandwich with watercress, light lunch.


@Noddykitty … yes nice purple color to my black rasp canes too.

I have 5 or 6 established now… 2 varieties.

Ohio treasure black and one that was a nursery mixup… not sure the variety on it. The one pictured is my mystery black.

It… and OTB are just excellent for fresh eating and make the very best jams.

I should start getting ripe fruit end of May, first of June here … and they continue for almost a month.


Grilling ribeye’s for dinner tonight… and having fresh picked leaf lettuce high fat low carb salads with that.


Hi There,
Cannabis is not fruit. The forum founder has made it very clear about that.

We are a fruit forum. I hope you stay. We value your participation.


Thank you so much for your reply. I am so happy. This forum is like a second family to me.
One of my daughter’s friends is part of a church group helping the homeless. We are dealing with younger kids too, so keeping them off drugs is very important.


Neither is salad. Got the message. Sorry to ruffle feathers.

…or carrots, or rhubarb, or potatoes, or asparagus, or mushrooms…or this one my fav:screen shot NOT mine

That’s why I suggested an off topic lounge thread no politics. All ye enter who want to too. :handshake::heart_hands:

Me too. I could not agree with you more. That’s why I lead a Cub Scout den and volunteer twice a week at my elementary school lunch room. We just did a service project at our church last weekend.
Genesis 1.29
Don’t worry, I won’t offend you or the children again. :heart::heart:

This is Scott’s forum, not a public one. He has the final say in everything.
This is one of the reasons we don’t trust or listen to everyone from the church, so please leave that alone.

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You were literally the one whom brought up church. I would be glad to leave it alone. I respect Scott. And apologized. Nice glad we agree. :v::v:

…How about that cosmic crisp apple…personally I like honeycrisp. How about you.? @btle I noticed you have a lovely garden.



I apologize for the broad comment. As in any society or professional groups we learned whom to trust by experience. The members of the church I knew when I just came to the US gave me the life long inspiration to help the less fortunate.
Hope everyone have a good planting season in spite of the rough weather.


Church members are people… and as we all know lots of people fail on a regular basis to do what we should do… Church members or not.

The church people / leaders when the word was recorded said this…

This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.
Think hard about that…

They thought they were right by their understanding of “Church/religion”… condeming him for his actions… but they were oh so wrong.

This man… said love oneanother, forgive oneanother, pray for your enemies, reconcile with oneanother… love bears all things, love keeps no record of wrongs etc…

If you focus on church or people… you are focusing on the wrong thing.

This man… is worth following.


Apple pie with homegrown Jonathan and Gold Rush apples for my kid’s birthday.


Sorry, putting cannabis tea on this forum is not caring about the kids in my opinion.

@mamuang your reply means so much to me. It gives me hope. To keep peace in the forum, I won’t respond to this thread anymore. Thanks again for your and other members’ support.


@anon18642480 … i work with men at a local drug rehab facility every Friday night… almost 4 years now.
Counceling them with the word…

Most of them have been addicted to meth, crack, heroine… some to alcohol.

Many start down that road with lesser drugs and alcohol… and end up on meth or heroine. Many of them are homeless, live on the street and have nothing but the clothes they have on.

I understand your concerrn and i have seen thousands of lives wrecked by it.

But when someone does what is required… compassion and complete forgiveness is given.

I have seen it happen so many times. I am truly blessed.

I hope you stay and participate here forever…

I wish the same for the one that offended you and then humbly appoligized twice and promised to do better. Expecting them to make good on that promise.

A favorite proverb of mine…

A gentle answer turns away anger, but a harsh words stirs up wrath.

It is amazing how well that works. If both parties participate it never fails.

Peace on this Saturday morning to all.
I am planting fruit trees today… life is good.

@growjimgrow … who needs birthday cake when you have awesome pie like that. Your family is blessed with your cooking skills no doubt.



Back to the original of this thread.
Batavian escarole and frisee, this is it for this patch. Tomorrow I will pull out some collard greens, time to choose my next favorite tomatoes, some long days for me.

and more green onions