I visited my sister in Buckley,WA today and her only fruiting Peach was about ready to pick.A few were on the ground and some others on the tree were getting soft.
They are good tasting,about 17 brix and an old hand drawn map,lists the tree probably as Encore.
I brought her some Nectaplums to try and she could taste Plum and then Nectarine flavors. Brady
Purchased these from grocery store. Darker one labeled as Dandy so I assume it’s dapper dandy? Other one simply labeled as yellow pulot so i’m guessing it’s flavor queen?
Anyway, both were good and huge. Would love to see the trees these came off!
Toka Plum and Artic Glo Nectarine. 21 brix on the toka, very good flavor, but mealy at the pit, which is unpleasant and unfortunetly consistent. 17 brix on the nectarine, but it wasn’t quite ripe, but I couldn’t help but pick one due to curiosity. The arctic glo reminds me a lot of the indian free peach, very acidic and needs high brix to balance this. Exceptional flavor, and I imagine if I get the brix closer to 20 it will be an amazing peice of fruit. At 17 it is a bit tart. I also picked a flavor king pluot yesterday even though it was still very crunchy. Even at that stage it was the best peice of fruit I have had all year…
I wasn’t expecting anything spectacular after all my Honeycrisp apple tends to struggle at my place. Today was the day for what made Honeycrisp famous. Only one but it was really good.
One of the CRFG Hybridizer Group’s fruits,(their 1st release,according to the Arboreum Company),Kit Donnell Peach.These are the first I’ve tried and were grafted to a Fantasia Nectarine.Fairly large and good flavor. Brady
L to R → Cambridge Gage, Superior, Toka plums. All fell on their own today. Superior was cracked but not badly, Toka had some PC damage. Cambridge Gage was 20 brix, Superior was 16. Both were good. Cambridge Gage was about 1-1/4" dia. This Toka was smaller than normal. I’ve also been eating lots of 15 brix Veteran peaches and my first grapes (Edelweiss). They are probably not quite fully ripe yet, 15 brix.
This is the first one I’ve tried, and the only one for this year. If I can do a better job managing PC I should get a decent amount next year. It seems like it is one of the latest bloomers for me.
I didn’t check that one because I was only able to eat half of it due to some PC damage. I still have a few clean ones that I should get to try in a week or so.
Ate another King David from the refrigerator today. After eating each one I try to access my opinions. KD taste different than any of my other apples and it is hard to describe. It is sweet enough for me and has a tart taste on the edge of my comfort zone for good taste. It is a keeper but might be a little on the edge for most people. Almost forgot to mention that the skin is a little tougher than I prefer.