What rare pears should i order from the usda in 2020?

Need to make my next USDA order of pears and wanted to get some suggestions from the forum. What are your opinions on what i should order?
NCGR-Corvallis: Pyrus Catalog. if your a researcher etc. The main catalog may ne helpful National Clonal Germplasm Repository : USDA ARS. Remember it costs them $10 or more to send out the order so donations are encouraged but so far not required.
NCGR Pear Collection Summary 09-2016.pdf (955.6 KB)


Pai Li is a great Asian pear if you don’t have it. My wife like it the most out of the 15 plus varieties in my collection because she can eat it at a crunchy stage or let it ripen like a Euro pear. A must have.


@clarkinks How can I find similar links for USDA collections of stone fruits? Their website is not the easiest to find information in. Sorry for the deviation from the main topic…

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No worries the USDA has different branches in different locations. Some charge more than others. Geneva handles apples , corvallis handles pears, the uc davis handles stone fruits
Main : USDA ARS. Yes the website can be very difficult to navigate and most of us who use it have done so for many years. Remember to read the qualifying terms carefully to meet the guidelines of the program. Please let me know if you need additional assistance.

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Cant find devoe in the catalog this year but im still looking. We do grow pai li based on your past recommendation. Thank you!

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They have a lot of rootstock pears that are useful. ‘Duchesse d’Angouleme Bronzee’ looks interesting.

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This catalog is much better for devoe NCGR-Corvallis: Pyrus Catalog
Here is another favorite
NCGR-Corvallis: Pyrus Catalog

This is what i ordered for pear orchard in kansas research. I grow some of these but am confirming type.

617529 Stacey Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 200378 Josephine de Malines Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 215329 Santa Claus Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 255616 Napoleon Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 260159 Louis Pasteur Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 279341 Williams Precoce Morettini Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 437060 Onward Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 541132 Beurre Alexandre Lucas Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 541168 Conference Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 541172 Devoe Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 541173 Docteur Desportes Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 541190 Fondante de Moulins Lille Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 541201 Shroyer’s Sunset Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 541269 Sucre Verte Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 541277 Vermont Beauty Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 541281 Doyenné Blanc Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 541335 Doyenne Gris Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 541442 Atlantic Queen Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 541443 Amire Joannet Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 541534 Doyenne du Comice - Regal Red Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 541535 Doyenne du Comice - Crimson Gem Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 541559 Best Ever Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 637990 Endicott Pear Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 638013 Bloodgood Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 657929 Sauvignac Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
ID Plant Name Taxonomy Distribution Amt Form Distributed Maintained by Comments
PI 654943 Hakko Pyrus pyrifolia 2 Scion COR
NA 55081 KNW 278 Cornus kousa 6 Cutting NA
NA 56660 KSW 3723 Cornus kousa 6 Cutting NA
PI 200378 Josephine de Malines Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 280031 Comte de Lamy Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 392323 Ubileen Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 437060 Onward Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 541230 Marie Louise Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 541244 Precoce de Trevoux Pyrus communis 2 Scion COR
PI 541722 Ayers Pyrus hybr. 2 Scion COR
PI 541723 Douglas Pyrus hybr. 2 Scion COR
PI 541804 Gourmet Pyrus hybr. 2 Scion COR
PI 541998 Pai Li Pyrus ussuriensis 2 Scion COR
PI 617663 Shin Li Pyrus pyrifolia 2 Scion COR
PI 617678 Dan Bae Pyrus pyrifolia 2 Scion COR
PI 657916 Daisui Li Pyrus pyrifolia 2 Scion COR
PI 657919 Mishirazu Pyrus pyrifolia 2 Scion COR

All done here.



Do you know the fireblight status of those on your list? I have wanted to order Discovery and Irish Peach and see how those english apples would do here since i cannot seem to find any info on them anywhere? Both are disease resistant (although it does not seem like FB is a large issue for english gardeners maybe because of a lack of heat?) and very early.

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Yes the fireblight status is listed at the bottom of each page. Many i grow can be infected with fireblight. I grow them on hardy rootstovk and top work as needed. Copper spray is used on types such as clapps favorite.



Great list Dax! Love your choices!


Hey Clark,

There are some intriguing ones I seleced. Tony tell us about Pai Li how it can be eaten soft like a Euro as well as crunchy really had me going. I got it grafted last year but I’ll try to get that out to the public thru sales. Another, is crunchy with the flavor of a sugar-sweet Euro. I found any information on what I selected thru two pear resources.

I figure I’ll get a majority of Asian pears this year to add to my landscape and see how they might sell on eBay vs. all Euro. basically, last year which did okay. I was able to pay for my rootstock at 200 or 180$ and thus far bring in 620-680 ish after paying eBay 150$ I believe. And I still have a dozen or whatever for sale.


In our club MidFEx, we had a wonderful person, James Ozzello, who had been stationed in France in the US foreign service for a good part of his life (He has since passed on to fruit heaven.) Well, he acquired and grafted many amazing antique French pears. One day at his orchard in Racine, Wi., I inquired as to his favorite pear of all the pears.
He told me that his wife once said, “You can cut down every pear tree in this orchard, but you can’t touch Beurré Superfin.”
Several members are propagating it from scions from his orchard.


That is reportedly one of the best pears according to many pear growers i’ve spoke with through the years. Its not produced for me yet but i have grown it for several years. Great choice of variety!

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Anyone else ordering rare pears this year?


Shroyers sunset sounds delicious, I must be missing seeing the part on fireblight on the bottom. I see scab pseudomonas and blister mite in the scroll window and then growing information and the only place i see fireblight is in the description ever, I would love to know as i have lots of questions on the apples they have as well. Buerre superfin really does sound like its one of the best.
I really wanted to order irish peach apple although i doubt it would work for my location.

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I am very curious how ‘Vermont Beauty’ will do in your area. I have included info on the pear, since I grew up in Vermont, and since our pear tree is a hybrid with ‘Vermont Beauty’ in the cross. I am very curious about the variety.

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This following is the owner of the blog with the entry about ‘Vermont Beauty’

That person finds a lot of rare pears, I think you should try contacting that person.

The following is an asian pear that person found, it sounds very interesting.



More pears that she found



I ordered several - first time attempting to order or even to graft pears at all so I’m crossing my fingers. Mainly interested in perry, so I requested:

Chien Pa Li
Golden Spice
Taynton Squash
Yellow Huffcap

Has anyone heard back from the USDA yet this year? I’m very curious about if my order will go through or not!

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