. I had it in the garage and it came out of dormancy early, then it became cold again, and that is what killed most of it. So last year I put it on my porch which has overhead protection and it did well. Keeping it outside prevented the plant from starting too early. Indiocrisp produced berries. Sweetcrisp, still needs some time due to that setback.
Yes, no fruit! It can take the temps, it just rushes out of dormancy. But it could not fruit last year, as the new canes were small. So I decided to give it another year. I’m hoping staying outside it will stay dormant. As it is too warm in the garage and thinks it’s spring.
Also here late frosts are rare, the Great Lakes buffer are warmup so it is very gradual and consistent with rarely a late frost, they happen about once every ten years. It gradually becomes colder in the fall too. I observed it was 2 degrees warmer 35 miles north of me because 35 miles north of me is much closer to lake Huron which is about 50F right now. It stays 50 day or night, so it warms the night air, heat rises too. The water will become colder, but very slowly.
I plan to cross this one and see if I can get a firm berry with a late ripening type.
Most are taller, so i would say no. Feed them more, they are nitrogen hogs.
Also you are in-between Northern and Rabbiteye territory, You might want to try a couple Rabbiteyes.
All photos btw were taken today in this post and the above post.
Hard to see well with the mixed background. this is chandler, about 5 feet tall, it must be pruned when mature as branches lose productivity without renewal.
The lower parts are bare and unproductive. I removed the biggest branch after it fruited. Overall I like this plant a lot. It still produces a ton of berries. And grows new branches if pruned really well.The red colored branches are new ones this year.
This is Toro it has fat leaves, the fruits are all sugar even tasting sweet when green. Nothing is perfect, the berries are very soft with no firmness.
This is Liberty, it produces a lot of berries, hundreds of them. They need to hang a bit to become sweet. Firmness is good, same with Chandler.
What’s super cool, if taken care of properly blueberries will produce for over 50 years. Awesome plants!
I left out Cara’s Choice, no photo, it is a smaller plant, does well in containers. About the best blueberries I ever tasted, All are decent I have not tried Raz, which is named because of it’s raspberry flavor, Ka-Bluey is supposed to be good, but lacks firmness too. Pink Popcorn who knows? It is supposed to be more productive than Pink Lemonade which has Rabbiteye in it. Popcorn is pure Northern and a better fit for my location.Berries are white to a light pink.
Legacy has a good taste, and firm berries, needs to hang some, hard to tell when fully ripe. A good producer and quickest grower. It suffered a setback of low pH that killed two others, but it managed to survive and even fruit that year. Toughest most all around above average rating in all categories of any plant I have, growth, production, firmness, and hardiness. The flowers froze one year, and they did not fall off! The berries were great! It was in the garage with Sweetcrisp which almost died! An amazing plant!
Spartan is early and one of the best tasting early producers. Plus I went to MSU and am a Spartan! Go Green (go white!) had to get one! Thanks Brady!