What's too cold to store apples, 30-32F?

In Clark’s recent post about storing pears

there was this link https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/sites/catalog/files/project/pdf/fs147.pdf that recommended 30-32F as ideal pear storage temperature.

Do you think that’s too cold for apples?

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No! If you can keep apples right there in that sweet spot (assuming they any sugar in them at all) in a tightly closed, non-perforated, poly bag they keep quite well. In fact, this year I found a bag of Liberties that had been put in a back corner of the fridge all winter and actually had ice in the bag when we opened them, and they were quite good. I think it was March but could have been February when I finally dug them out.

Your mileage may vary, but it worked for me.



Thank you for your input. I know they won’t freeze at 30F but was thinking maybe so sort of physiological issue. I don’t think they are stored that cold in commercial operations.

I’m set up with a chest freezer and a very good controller, a Johnson I think.

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You are dead on in my opinion 30 to 32 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal temperature but they freeze at 29° http://www.bae.ncsu.edu/programs/extension/publicat/postharv/ag-413-1/. The experts opt for the colder temperatures generally 30-32° eg. http://www.ipm.iastate.edu/ipm/hortnews/2006/8-23/apples_and_pears.html and https://hort.purdue.edu/ext/HO-95.pdf. @marknmt had his at that perfect spot around 30 degrees and they might have went even longer. Here is a link for proper storage of other foods If anyone is wondering http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/fruits-vegetables-storage-conditions-d_710.html


Thanks Clark you’re the best…!! I especially like the last link which covers many fruits and veggies.

Looks like 32F would work for many fruits. I think I’ll start out there and see if there are cold spots that cause freezing of anything. That should be better than my fridge that goes from ~28-40 depending on location and cycle.

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Here’s another version of the engineeringtoolbox storage guide @clarkinks provided.


Another guide

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Thank you. The first link says some apples are chill sensitive and recommends 35-40F for those varieties, 32-35 for most.

The second says lowest safe temperatures for certain apples cultivars is 36-38F.

So there can be issues with some apples stored at 32F. I thought I’d read that before and it appears to be the case. I’m still going to try 32F for Goldrush and yellow delicious. Which is all I’ll have to try it on this yr.

No mention of such issues with pears but one or more recommended 32-35F rather than 30-32F. I’m setting that controller on 32 and see what happens.

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The local orchardist I respect most around here stores his apples at 34 F. No funny gases. No bells and whistles. Just a walk-in cooler set at 34 F. His apples are excellent. I have eaten Goldrush apples he’s kept stored until the following May, and they were superb.


Thank you Matt. I’m sure that would be a good temperature.

Good news. Now I just need to get more limbs to fruit.

At some point @39thparallel is helping me out with the design of a walk in cooler using a coolbot. He has used one for years. My needs are much less than his in terms of volume of fruit storage. This is the design Mike decided to use Walk In Cooler! . Mike grows all the fruit trees, scions, and fruit he sells. That likely sounds funny but remember most fruit stands dont grow the fruit they sell. Many nurseries have never fruited their scion wood and dont grow the trees we buy. This is why so much mislabeling happens i believe. The point i’m getting to as you can imagine is that it requires a large cold storage area to do all of that. The larger the area is the harder it is to cool it down.