When to pick Kassandra hybrid persimmon?

Is that mystery one astringent or nonastringent? Also how did its leaves look?

If you asked me, all three are astringent until fully ripened.

The big one looked like non-astringent kaki. I cut one up and tasted it. Boy, my mouth is still feeling like I had swallowed ash or sawdust.


This was my JT-02 this year which showed color for practically 1-day, maybe 2, and was the first time I’ve seen anything except brown/brown-yellow. After, those days, it went right to brown and yellow/brown:

another JT-02
a few feet from the other (photograph from same time)

I believe @mamuang 's “JT-02” in question is scionwood that I sent her.

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Then you have a really big persimmon waiting for you whenever it crops and the tree should be pretty cold hardy given your winter lows!

I thought that too! :smile:

She’s “fluctuating” between the middle (smaller) that @SMC_zone6 says looks Mostly/More like a JT-02 and now Mamuang is talking about that giant “winner”. So, originally, she was in question about the mid-size one next to her Prok (see photo)

Maybe it’s one of those Gora whatevers! How long have you had yours? I’d imagine we can look at the timeline of when various cultivars were introduced to have an idea of what it could be.

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It could be. I got scions of both in the same envelope…

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What good news that would be for @mamuang if so. You’d have both JT-02 and another hardy even larger hybrid to plant out.

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I wish I knew if it was cold hardy for my zone first before planting out.

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Right, Tippy my friend. Andrew, Tippy’s clarifying she’s looking for ID’s on two things and I’m the dummy who brought up that JT-02 she has in a container (too) came from me and is sort of questionable but I forget why.

Of course, mine has not had fruit.

Sorry Tippy @mamuang

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@ramv – Great pix! Nice way to compare sizes and shapes.

FWIW, my single JT-02 on a graft from a reliable source is (like yours) a little bigger than my many Kassandras but much smaller than my many IKKJs. The shape is also flat-ish like yours vs Kassandra, which is more round. Bottom line, my results for those three varieties are very consistent with yours.

It makes sense that JT-02, a cross between an Asian PCNA and an American, would be intermediate in size and shape.


I sure hope a lot of what I (choose) or (go for it if smaller parent fruit(s) ) have size. That’s definitely a requirement. Learning that American persimmon 400-7 is the size of a Lotus fruit told me to graft onto that one.

Nice tree

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Twig girdlers cut a branch out of my Rosseyanka tree several weeks back. Fruits had some orange color, but were still firm and astringent. I sliced and dehydrated them. They’re edible with negligible to no astringency.
Daughters were in last week for ‘Thanksgiving’ celebration, and we picked all Rosseyanka fruits that were soft or beginning to show wrinkling of skin. They LOVE them!
If the fruits dropped to ground, they went ‘splat’ and were irretrievable from the grass/leaves.
Have been freezing about half of them whole for consumption later, and dehydrating the softest, by just sort of squashing them on the trays in my dehydrator