Where does your wheat come from? Kansas maybe?

I see more people worried about whats in their dog food than what they are packing home from the grocery store.

Humans are pretty tough… we can eat/smoke/drink just about anything for about 40 to 50 sum years then the illness and side effects start showing. Thats usually when people change their diets and start exercising more…reading things about health online etc.

100 years ago doctors prescribed cocaine and alcohol. 75 years ago doctors endorsed cigarettes.

100 years from now… people will likely think we were crazy for eating sugar and grain and hydrogenated oils.

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Don’t think it will take 100 years for that last one to come true. It is already here.

Social media… Youtube, Facebook, internet… revealing the truth. Humans pushing elimination diets to the max to prove what works and does not.

People that want and desperately need to know now… can find the truth now.

It was not that easy previously…

I suffered terribly for 40 years… constant pain… 2 surgeries removing parts of my colon… doctors recommending expensive medicine with nasty side effects… and of course medical procedures… surgery colonoscopy mri ultrasound… $$$ for them… little to no help for you.

Not once telling me I simply needed to eat a proper human diet… which completely healed me in 20 days. I discovered it online… youtube and other online sources.

Trust your GI doc… about as much as you would a possum in your persimmon tree.


About 10 years ago i was diagnosed with Asthma. I had the coughing kind that was miserable I couldnt sleep for waking up coughing and wheezing. My Dr sent me to the Asthma Allergy clinic and they put me thru every test available and i was told i would have Asthma the rest of my life. 2 inhalers, and 2 pills were the starting point. I would also have to come back for checkups and more medications as needed.

At that time i was on a whole grain kick… i ate alot of whole grain spaghetti and home made wheat bread. I also ate tabouli salads. I was convinced that i was eating right. I ate very little meat.

As soon as i walked out of the Asthma Clinic i decided to go full Keto. I did not eat any grains for a year. It took a few weeks and i no longer had any signs or symptoms of Asthma. I havent been back to any doctors or took anything since then.

NOT once did my Dr or Asthma Dr. ask anything about food…or talk about food.

I had kind of made the connection that when i ate a nice spaghetti dinner that my symptoms seemed worse… so that led me to thinking that keto may be worth a try. I had no idea it would cure it.

I no longer do keto… but i no longer think that whole grains are healthy for me either. Wheat is no good for my health even though it tastes good.


@TNHunter @krismoriah

Agree that grain may not be ideal food for humans or pets in my opinion. That’s not to say we shouldn’t eat it ever if we have no other options. Definately puffer is not a great choice either. If we have something better we should eat it. Getting food is challenging in my area now its $100+ at the grocery store every time! We could make spaghetti out of acorns I wonder if they would be healthier for everyone? Konja root spaghetti or spaghetti squash is OK but not that great.

This would be funny if it wasn’t so deadly; our diets contain waaaaay too many starches and sugars because we are afraid fat will make us fat, and yet we keep getting fatter, and catching all the diseases that come along with that.

One definition of insanity is to keep on doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome.

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A legitimate question for everyone so let’s say we decide grain is not healthy for livestock , pets, people and we stop growing it what’s the plan? Most beef we buy from the store is pumped full of steroids just like milk. Its better than nothing. That meat consumed is fed grain many wouldnt eat. Are the chickens healthy? The chickens people consume cannot even stand up when they are slaughtered and they give them tons of antibiotics just to keep them alive. The answers are not that easy we see it every day here. Fish might be the best choice for now for ideal health and maybe raise your own meat eg. Rabbit, goat, pheasant etc. .I love beef but should we really eat it the way it’s currently raised? Can we all afford buffalo? Grass fed Buffalo is the best tasting healthy meat as far as I’m concerned. Is the problem the wheat or what’s done to the wheat? Open pollinated chemical free ,non gmo, non hybrid wheat is something you have tried? Back to the corn if you eat it is it non gmo and non hybrid? Hybrids versus open pollinated corn

I grew up in the low fat craze of the 90s. I still remember those chips with olestra that made you crap your pants. Also remember people using phen phen (which i think ended up getting banned for heart problems). I’ve just never been a big eater, and when i do i eat mostly dairy products along with a chocolate. My mom is the same way–she’s always been thin, but hardly eats (and is nearing 80 and in excellent health)…the lady never got sick as a kid or as an adult.


@clarkinks … we sub deli sliced chicken for noodles in keto lasagna.

Don’t miss the noodles at all.

You could slice it into thin strips for spaghetti noodles.

You can make some good flat bread with fine almond flour and cheese (motz and cream), egg, seasonings.
Fathead dough… good for meatza type pizza.

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Spiralized zucchini and squash make good noodle substitutes as does spaghetti squash.


@Rosdonald … yes tried that… with zucchini and spaghetti squash… much prefer the deli sliced roasted chicken breast… especially in lasagna.

I have a spiralizer device but it has not been used in a while now.

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No they preferred corn grain.

Hmm, like cancer prevention? Now being studied to prevent cancer.

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All things are poison, and nothing is without poison, the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison.

—Paracelsus, 1538[1]

In plain English there is nothing wrong with grains, or lard, or even inflammation inducing vegetable oils and sugars. There is just a level at which they become downright toxic.


Theres over 8 billion people on earth right now… so in order to feed that many people some pretty inhumane and unethical and unhealthy things have to be done.

People of Earth also have to feed around 25 billion livestock per year as well. And those creatures are slaughtered yearly or thereabouts.

People of Earth also have to feed farm raised fish. I think that number is around 150 million tons that we have to feed.

Creatures of Earth that we do not eat also have to eat. Pets. Zoos. I think we maintain around 1 billion pets.

The current plan is that we know that humans are pretty resilient and can eat/smoke/drink just about anything for 50 sum years. Fast food, junk food, sodas, liquors, sugar, fat… after that health declines then the medical industry comes to the rescue with drugs and surgeries to add another decade or so. Ever wonder why there are more pharmacies in your town than grocery stores? (they are even in the grocery stores).

There is no plan. There cant be a plan to feed 40 billion creatures sustainably and humanely. Calories are the current plan. Just feed everything calories. Grains are easy… just plant a seed…rape the soil and repeat.

Could there be a plan? Sure. Instead of a pristine front lawn… everyone grows a garden. Rip out the oaks and maples in the front yard and parks and plant fruit trees. Convert box stores to stop selling annual flowers and have them sell plants that feed people. Encourage farmers markets. Share food with your neighbor… Rely less on grocery stores. Stop calling things ‘sprays’… use the real word every once in awhile. Poison.

Instead of feed lots and chicken houses… let animals graze.

Stop raping the oceans. Stop raping the land. Stop deforestation.

I could go on…i dont expect any likes or agreement… the fact is that we as humans are doing some pretty dumb things to our planet and have been for awhile. Yeah its cool to say that there are 8 billion people on Earth and we harvest and slaughter 40 sum billion creatures (dont forget about the oceans)…but its not working. People are getting sicker… theres a new disease or something every month or year now. Our answer is more pills, more vaccinations, more surgeries.

What would be a good plan? Individually you have to make better decisions. You cannot do anything about the overpopulation of Earth. The current news cycle encourages more population… more taxpayers, more consumers… more patients.

Plant a tree…grow a garden… dont eat the garbage they want you to. Stay out of the doctors office as much as you can…and spend more time in your garden and orchard.

The plan as i see it is to rape this planet for everything it has. Consume until it has nothing left to consume then colonize on another planet. I think maybe Mars is what they are hoping for.

Until then disease, sickness, fires, flooding, global warming, drought, famine, recession, depression, wars etc will continue to rise as they have been. Every one of those things are in the current news cycle.

In summary- keep doing what you have been doing. Its just a matter of time until the next extinction event anyways.

Yes Clark…eat more acorns.


Not completely accurate; statins and other newer LDL-C (bad cholesterol) lowering drugs like Repatha do reduce the risk of heart attack by lowering LDL-C. However, they do not lower Lp(a) which is elevated in 20-30% of the population and cannot be lowered by diet/exercise (and increases overall LDL-C). The whole picture is complicated and it is not correct to say that because older drugs that reduced cholesterol but didn’t reduce heart attacks while statins reduce cholesterol and do reduce heart attacks that it can’t be the cholesterol. It is, but the mechanism of action is different which results in different effects and acts on different types of cholesterol. That said, we still have lots of room for improvement and hopefully treating Lp(a) will help. A lot of people don’t know about elevated Lp(a) and I wish they did. Every time I hear someone say “my grandfather had a heart attack at 50, so did my dad, I probably will too”, all I can think is “Get your Lp(a) levels checked!!!” (it is genetic). Any way, back to wheat. Mine appears to come from Kansas. I don’t eat a ton of grains, but more importantly, I eat almost no processed food, HFCS, trans fats, and limit the sugar in my diet and exercise. I have low LDL-C, high ratios, low blood pressure, and no cardiac plaque build up. Both my parents have a very different diet/lifestyle and problems the cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and ASCVD. (Yes, N of 1! But, still :wink: )

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People say that about everything from meat to eggs to butter to grain.
Actually, fresh home ground whole wheat is healthy, with fresh germ, fiber etc.
We need a decent amount of fiberous grain in our diet.
Almonds and other nuts can take their place and often are better in some respects, but also have their down sides too…
What we do not need is refined starch…
Refined white flour at walmart is more “fluffy”, but unhealthy unbalanced.

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No consensus on any of those things. ‘we need’ is subjective.

Sounds like im being argumentitive but the whole point is that we know more about space travel and dinosaurs, laws, guns and cars… than we do as far as what humans should eat to be healthy. There are too many theories.

Which came first chicken or the egg?

Which came first the wheat seed or the wheat plant?

As far as what humans ‘need’? As far as i can tell its only calories. If you get too many you store fat for later energy expenditures. If you get too few the organs shut down eventually.

Healthy? Probably with a body that is fit enough to hunt and gather is healthy. A body that is too fat or sick to hunt or gather is likely unhealthy.

You can debate diets until infinity. The only constant is calories…even though that is a man made debatable unit of measure.

Take 100 people and you will come up with 100 diffferent ‘need’ answers when it comes to food. There are more theories on diets and nutrition than just about any subject you can come up with. Whatever your theory is… is your theory… and likely not shared by everyone. I respect everyones choices… ultimately they are the ones who have to live with the consequences…as do I.

Coke or Pepsi? Budweiser or Miller? Wet or Dry BBQ? Beans or no beans in your chili? Vanilla or Chocolate? White or Red Wine? Whisky or Vodka?

Who knows why these questions even exist… but to each their own.

Live and Let Die?

To live and let die, means to live your life how you want, and allow others to live it how they want. Do not interfere with them, even if their lifestyle means they’re going to kill themselves.

Not really. There are highly objective and measurable outcomes as a result to our diets. Are we fat? Insulin insensitive? High blood pressure? inflammation markers all horrible? It boils down to diet and the combo we are doing is not doing us any favors.

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Since grains like kamut wheat like they grow in parts of Montana were popular thousands of years ago I question if this is a new problem or problem at all for everyone? Consider my opinion and others of certain grains may be skewed. Rye is a grain that grew in the fields that was susceptible to ergot. Consider maybe it’s specifically some of our grains that are not that great. When we grow and grind grains the grain is much better. Maybe the problem is partially synthetic fertilizer or Roundup or other things. It seems odd to me we went a lot of years with no problems and now we seem to have issues. That still leaves me questioning how good is the quality of our food? Wouldn’t acorns be better? Is the yield better per acre? Do you question if we have done this before? Maybe this a cycle with humans where we kill ourselves though we have lots of resources. My thoughts are the native Americans ate some grain , some acorns, some greens and veggies and plenty of meat. They kept the buffalo in large herds and plains full of green grass to feed them. Consider as a society we may not be overly smart about food. On my farm I raise fish grain free and get high production. Greens grow well as does fruit. We have 30+ wild hazelnuts but there is a great need for improvement on the nut growing. The farm is in good shape and everyone could be the same but it’s a lot of work. A builder told me every house he built was 4 bedrooms for 2 people. Do we not have enough resources or are we mismanaged resources? Do you think there is not enough land to grow food? There is lots of land. Don’t want to go to far off topic but I did a little. The point about grain is legitimate people are bringing up but why is the problem a recent problem? It’s like the pear problem I was told it was impossible to do what I’m doing growing pears but yet I’m doing it. One size does not fit all in this world. People who are partly English have a legitimate grain issue we think but they can eat quinoa, amaranth and other grains. Most people have no issue with corn if it’s non gmo and non hybrid. Is wheat really bad? Reading this article will help make my point Dirt Poor: Have Fruits and Vegetables Become Less Nutritious? - Scientific American. Much of the nutrition problem we have are from modern agricultural practices. We are still doing it! Sometimes I have to say it all for any to make sense. Grain may not be great for us but I don’t believe the problem is what people think it is. It’s my opinion most farms were like mine when I bought it and I’ve spent the last 30 years fixing the soil as much as I can. We have a soil crisis not population crisis. My mother and I ate some spinach I grew one day and I promise you it’s not like spinach we buy they grow. It was nutty tasting and we were satisfied from just a couple of leaves. It felt like we took a super vitamin and we were wanting for nothing. Had added trace minerals back to the soil and really fertilized properly and took good care of that ground. Unfortunately beyond when I picked it the spinach did not hold that nutrition if not eaten fresh. Maybe we need to do more analysis on grain being sold for us and for livestock. Shouldn’t we eat healthy meat? Healthy vegetables? Grain? Fruit? Why not test foods for things randomly like pesticide, herbicide, nutrition? Seeing both sides of it but I think people are making legitimate points here. There is really only 1 side our side as humans what is best for us? We are all on the same side we want healthy food and not to starve. Great discussion in general it’s one I see multiple sides to this. As grain farmers we want grain to be great for everyone but genetics prevent that. Maybe it’s not that great for anyone and should only be 5% of our diet but has became 25% of some people’s diet. Maybe many farms were like mine and have grown enough grain and need switched to growing hay or fruit for awhile. Is crop rotation supposed to be just rotation of grains? In my opinion oak trees should be part of the rotation just like soy beans. Chances are your wheat does come from Kansas and how it’s raised matters alot but for now people are paid by volume only as I mentioned.

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I need to get away from this topic…but as far as America is concerned…we only need to open the history books.

JAMESTOWN, 1609-1610. Known as the “starving time,” the winter of 1609-1610 brought such “a world of miseries” to the settlers that hunger became the force governing the colonists. They ate their horses, then rats, then shoe leather. Some were driven to murder and digging up corpses.

At this same time there were likely 100 million Native Americans that were thriving…on the same continent. That did not have those problems.

Due to this problem with the colonies we had to exterminate those people…and bring the European ways and food in order to colonize the United States.

We later had to Kill Every Buffalo Dead. That meant that for every Buffalo we killed that also killed a Native American.

We have colonized the United States… and no longer have to eat rats or dig up corpses…or shoe leather. Or war with Native Americans.

We now have more land to grow grain… and put up more feedlots and chicken houses. We build skyscrapers to house people hundreds of feet above the land which is concrete and asphalt and iron and steel.

What started out as a colony is now 330 Million strong.

We are the richest country in the world…but the news cycle says that we are not doing well… our economy isnt good, our health isnt good, there is talk of food shortages and starvation, possibly famine… yet we want to populate more and grow less as individuals… Im not sure if going to walmart counts as hunting and gathering… maybe.

Jamestown 1609 is very possible again. Those of us growing gardens and orchards will be better off i think.

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@krismoriah I agree with many of your thoughts…
My theory is go with variety, balance, moderation, common sense, and whole unprocessed.
The longest living cultures in the world all have in common of eating a big variety of whole foods, balance, and moderation.
There is more than one way to do it.
But in america, in my opinion our worst common problems are over-processing, and lack of balance & moderation. In my opinion, we need a heavy vegi diet, some fruits, with in moderation some grain/nut fiber, bean protein and smaller amounts of egg/meat protein. And moderation most of all. And cut out all processed food including white flour and soda pop.
Blessings :slight_smile: