Let us know how the Cornish Aromatic turns out - that sounds like a cool one.
I was out in the orchard this evening taking down the protective fences around the trees, and found a few late hanging Macoun.
We already picked the Arkansas Black, Goldrush, and Winesap, and I thought I’d looked all the trees over.
They are not as firm as some of the other late apples, but they were not at all mealy. They had plenty of sugar, and a nice snappy flavor. There was some of what I think is described as vineous, an after taste kind of like grape.
They were an awesome treat.
My favorite! What a treat!
Macoun keeps decently for a Mac-type, and they are one of my faves too for fresh eating.
I just came in for lunch from running around trying to ready things outside in the orchard and nursery for this cold snap we are getting (down to 7F tonight!?!). Picked the last of the apples with my helper and wow, another few bushels of Gold rush and Baldwin.
Beautiful apples. Your trees must have plenty of sun. Most of my GR do not really have much of red blush but have lot of sooty blotch
The weight of the apples is giving your tree good crotch angles.