Which of these Pluot® varieties would you recommend?

Lake Erie turns into a bathtub? 80Fs? The Mississippi River gets very warm…low 80Fs i’d imagine most summers, but it cools off just as fast in the fall. I’ve been in L Superior in late August and it was still ice cold…like frigid ice cube water. A person could probably grow some excellent strawberries all summer long along that lake.

Yes, all the water has to go through Lake St Clair which warms to 80F .
Lake Erie is 57 miles wide and 241 miles long ave depth is 62 feet, deepest point is 210 feet.In 1999 the water warmed to 85F. It usually is 74F in August and 34F in February. It’s the 4th largest Great Lake.

Lake Superior never goes above 55F, luckily it’s over 300 miles away.

When i was younger i went to Cedar Point in Sandusky, OH…good view of the lake Erie from the top of those roller coasters. It was very pretty.

I think my Flavor Kings were picked early Sept last year. If i remember right the wasps were attacking them. I need to get that under control. Those things were as annoying as the squirrels.

Here pluots are for sure hard to grow. I’m not being that realistic about them. I just like them, I should go for Spring Satin. Yet I have a ton of pluot scion (did I say that?).
I may one day top work them with plums that work better. Toka, Superior, Vermont and others. I was looking at what the Michigan growers grow, maybe I should follow what they do? They managed to produce enough for commercial sales. Vermont looks like a cool plum. I think I have scion? I don’t remember? Hope so, i want to try that one.

Got a replay from the two nurseries about the pluots.

Pflanzenspezl (Germany):

Thank you very much for your inquiry.
Yes, the Pluot will ripen in this wine-growing region.

Best regards

Team Pflanzenspezl

Agroforestry (UK):

Dear Marvin
Flavor King ripens late August here so I am sure it will ripen ok where you are.
We can put one on reserve for next autumn if you would like?

Martin Crawford

I think ill just have to try them.

Then ill know for certain if its a yay or a nay plant for our location :laughing:

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If I was you I wouldn’t worry about Purple Candy, Flavor Candy etc. Some nurseries claim they are from Zaiger but they are nowhere to be found in the official sources. The patents are also non-existent so it smells like scam to me. I wouldn’t waste my money on them and get Flavor Supreme and King instead. You can read a lot of good things about them on this forum so they are proved to be good. You should be also able to get Flavor Queen in Europe but that’s about it, the rest is not available yet. I think there are several other pluots that have patents expiring soon (or already expired) like Flavorosa and in few years Flavor Grenade so we might see those in EU as well if they don’t go the way Dapple Dandy did, whose patent is already expired in US but was registered in EU in 2007 I think and is patented here until 2037, if I remember correctly.

Maybe Purple Candy and Flavor Candy are already existing Pluots from the US and got a name change? (illegal?!)

Anyway i preordered Flavour King for now.

Flavorosa also looks very interesting!

A new property is more important for me now or else my house is full of plants that i cant put into the ground haha.

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You can look on Dave Wilson Nursery website to see all the name Pluots from Zaiger Genetics that they are offering. Like you said the name may have changed or trade marked.


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Which of these Japanese Plums would you guys choose if you could only have 2 of them?

Santa Rosa
Black Amber

All of them plus a few others are available here in europe.

What are the sweetest and most flavorful ones?

Santa Rosa and Satsuma by a huge margin.


I’m agree with @Drew51:

you can ask Martin Crawford for this “unknown” plumcot:

Thanks, i will put these two on my list.

I wrote a mail to him to today … maybe he can tell me what variety that is.

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I might have access to more varieties of Plums and Pluots in next few years.


Oh boy…

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Hi Marvin,
wow thats a lot varieties you usually can’t get in Europe. Is he already selling those trees? Does he sell online? Do you mind to share your contact?

Spring freeze hardiness is an issue with Flavor Grande, my FG crop, along with most of my other plum crop, was totally wiped out by the freezes a few weeks ago. Last year my 2nd leaf FG tree really surprised me, produced a nice size crop of tasty fruit


Sent you a PM

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That was a very unusual late freeze for all the southeast.

I don’t know if I’d write any tree off based on this past March freeze. It could happen again next year, but for my area in Louisiana it was like a 4 in 100+ year event.

In Northern California we had a very cold spring and early summer.

I have Flavor Supreme and many other varieties that we very very sweet despite this. In one of my orchards I over watered for FS, other varieties were great though. FS in the over watered orchard was twice the size of the dry farmed orchard. The dry farmed orchard was sweeter and more flavored than any I have bought locally from other local growers. They ripened while average highs were 70-85F or about 20-30C