White foam on Clove Currant leaf

Noticed this white foam on the back side of a leaf on my Crandall clove currant this morning. these are newly planted within the past few weeks and black topaz has already died so I am keeping a close eye on them. is this anything to be concerned about? any thoughts on what it could be?


never seen one of these before. thanks!

Varies wildly by year and location. In recent years have seen rosemary plant with 100s spittles and same plant another year with zero.

Yes, a spittlebug. They are interesting to see and watch.

Ah…a common little bug here.

Yeah really common here also, they are cool.

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Very interesting insect to watch. Neat foam cocoon.

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A squirt bottle with bleach water kills those plant munching suckas.

Having them on my espaliered Reinette de France here too …

Yep; those little maggots in the bubbles like French food too. A Daykins Bleach spray on jet will take care of that.