Richad, I have many varieties of white sapote, but only tasted fruits of maybe 4 varieties. I have two varieties from Florida that has very good fruits. You might like the Supersweet or Younghan’s Gold. If you want to trade a few scionwood then let me know. The largest fruit on my tree was the Cuccio, very productive, large fruits. But so far I like the McDill and Younghan’s Gold the best.
I understand there are Florida cultivars that are very good tasting when grown in FL, but I’ve never enjoyed the taste of them when they are grown here. The same is true of Mangos.
I did get a few scionwood from a lady who has two large trees, one is a Vernon and the other is the Suebelle. She said both of her trees gets lots of good tasting fruits. I was successful in getting her Vernon grafted on my multi-grafted tree. I used to have 34 varieties grafted on one large seedling tree but that tree is dead after I tried to transplant it (18ft tall). Now I have 25 varieties and trying to add more again on my other seedling trees.
I compared the taste side by side of the McDill, yellow sapote (CSUF) with the Supersweet and Younghan’s Gold. The Younghan’s Gold (best) was a little better tasting than McDill.
No, I did not know Jim Neitzel, but have pretty much all of his loquat varieties he shared to other hobbists (Big Jim, Big Jim White, China White, China Doll, Jazzy, etc).
You know, I think several folks here would enjoy it if you started a thread about one of your frankenfruit trees, and over time share photos of each variety on the tree. There will also be folks interested in the grafting alone.
Not planning to do this here. I already participate on the Tropical Fruit Forum so if you go there you can see photos of all my multi-grafted trees. I just updated photos of all my citrus fruits picked in December. Now for next summer, I will be compiling a Taste Comparison (my taste) of all my Loquat varieties with a column for Brix reading since some folks on the TFF have been asking for that info as well. I don’t want to duplicate my info in both forums.
Stone fruit are the staple of my orchard, especially apricots. I wouldn’t want to hijack @Richard 's thread with a discussion of my fruit. I have a few threads where I posted about my experiences:
Our Suebelle White Sapote is now loaded with blossoms and as usual has sent up verticals to compete with the unrelated Green Sapote on the right. Those two species also compete in their native habitat from Chiapas down to equatorial South America.
Today I removed the unnecessary verticals from the Suebelle as shown in the third photo. Peeking up behind it on the right side are leaves of our Reed Avocado, whose Guatemalan ancestor also shares the same native region. Also sticking up behind it on the left side are leaves of a Timotayo Mango.
Hi @Richard in the last two photos of your Feb. '23 post, what is the plant immediately behind the small pots, near the chair, and in front of the Green Sapote? I’ve noticed those more and more close to my parents house in OC and the bare wood & branch habit in early spring is very distinct.