Wildlife in our gardens

Is that a Bob Cat?


I believe so.


It is. This is one


Nice seeing loquat in bloom. I canā€™t wait for mine.

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Cameras are confirming what I have always said that though they are rare mountain lions are in Kansas. There are not a lot of mountain lions. Iā€™ve seen the mountain lions before with my own eyes. We live in a world where most people are inside. Kids play video games and adults are caught up at work. The majority of people have them in their own backyard and never know. Take a look at the link I attached the resident in riverdale in Wichita got a big surprise. Years ago I was always outside and seldom inside prior to having health issues. That allowed me to see many things others have not. If your out in the older woods here 8 - 10 hours a day all year like I was as a kid you have seen some things. Bobcats are extremely common here. Ive seen a few things I have no idea what they even are.


South central Florida in March 2007ā€¦ only time I have eaten really good loquat.

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Iā€™ve only had loquat once, off an unknown probably seedling, a few that remained hanging, in a region for which they are not known to fruit often.

It was delicious. I ate the skin.

What are the chances that this random seedling is the best Iā€™ll ever have. Likely others are even better :slight_smile:


Does it still have its claws?


i totally agree. there have been sightings of wolves and m. lion here in Maine but are unconfirmed. they were once plentiful here before the 16th century. Quebec still has a wolf population, and it borders Maine. there was a mtn. lion hit on the highway in CT 10yrs ago. it had a tracking collar and came from MI. i definitely think they have found their way back here.

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Hard on the furniture?

Nah. Itā€™s taxidermist neutered it and made sure she is docile. :grin:


When I see an interesting photo of the outdoors I always click on their profile to see where they are and what zone and is it near me. Alas your profile is private so none of that information is available. Iā€™d just assume you not post any photos at all if I canā€™t know where it is.

Yeahā€¦I thought the thing looked rather stiff!

But, considering dutch-s he might for real have a bobcat.

I have a former customer that has a life-like lynx, said he shot it in the backyard (that backs up to a national forest).


Good one, I thought you must be one heck of a cat whisperer to have a bobcat in an RV (if thatā€™s an RV)


Ok. I was heavily involved in our political forum and it really started to stink. I felt it better to keep a private image. I was not that way at all before aforementioned reasons. Iā€™m in N. FLORIDA. almost Tallahassee almost Georgia. And yes that is a Kinda RV. Itā€™s know as a destination trailer. Itā€™s a pull behind style that weighs 16-17 thousand pounds. Hence the destination name. Tow it to its destination and leave it there. Itā€™s on 16x16x4 concrete blocks. Leveled and tied down with a building built over it.

But with a caveat. Itā€™s really no oneā€™s business where I am. Or where you are. And posting photos is about the photo. Not where you are. If the post was actually read. It was quite simple. It was verification that yes the prior photo was a Bobcat. Thatā€™s it. Mine or no-one elseā€™s location had anything to do with the post. And Noone here as far as I know, you may ask admin? But as far as I know has any obligation to say where the photo is for it to be enjoyed and, or, appreciated.


I would love to. Just doesnā€™t seem it would be very practical :confused: :joy:

Thereā€™s something to be said for the ā€œright to privacyā€ā€¦itā€™s in our Bill of Rights as Americans.

(In our day and time, Iā€™m almost ready to invite the quartering of troops in peopleā€™s housesā€¦itā€™s about the only right that hasnā€™t been compromised already!)


The forum has the privacy option for a reason. Apparently they believe. See me fine Donā€™t? Fine. TY to Scott and the builders. But yet I digress. No politics. Thatā€™s also a policy. Their forum their rules. All is fine in the Fruitgrowing.org

You need a burner account for the controversial stuff! No obligation to show who you are or where you live. Though you are the first Iā€™ve come across on the forum who chose not to. At least the zone/region

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