Anyone know of a good livestock forum? I have 7 acres which I’m thinking about raising cows on and have a lot of questions.
Lost 3 over the week. The rest look strong and healthy. Growing like weeds just like chickens! LOL
They are so sweet at this age!
I finally caught a picture of what I seen that night, it was no panther, I guess it was just a big fox. I caught this one on the trail cam this week trying to get the rabbits along the fence line. I also caught a couple images of coyotes but just the back end of them they were running through the area too quick.
my leghorns started laying 2 weeks ago. other breeds usually only give you a few eggs in thier 1st fall due to shorter daylight. not leghorns! theyre laying like its spring. not the prettiest bird but they crank them butt nuggets out. a recommended breed for warm areas though they are cold hardy here. thanks to a friend i have 22 of them besides a mix of other breeds. just got the contract to supply a local resturant as well as one of my wifes co workers that has over 100 hens.
Can’t remember the last time I saw one of these, this one looks like he’s been eating good.
My apologies for this one being blurry, knew the moment would be gone if I shut off the tractor.
I have had a monarch caterpillar buddy on my parsley for around a month now. I’ve went ahead and covered it on some of our harsh frosts and I was hoping it would chrysalis and I could move that somewhere safe. Since I’m crazy I have been thinking about putting up some of this parsley and bringing it inside even
Do monarchs normally have a late caterpillar stage before winter in zone 5? Anything I can do to help this along. Generally I go with nature but with monarch numbers lately I figured I should try something.
Your right! It has the little spots like the swallowtail and not the monarch. Its a pretty butterfly i will have to look them up as it seems crazy to have any caterpillars right now. Honestly this is great news as i didnt really wanna deal with overwintering a monarch on some parsley
We used to have chickens. We ordered from a hatchery and they arrived at the post office. It was a lot of fun - and my kids loved it!
We had all sorts of breeds. My favorites were the Barred Plymouth Rocks, Speckled Sussex and the Silver Spangled Hamburgs. We had one Minorka that was a ‘genius chicken’. She would come to the back door (A French Door) and ‘knock’ so that we would come out and feed her! She also liked to jump up on our shoulders, like a ‘parrot’, if we were squatting or sitting down among the ‘flock’. Very strange little black chicken.
My daughter would take one of the ‘Hennys’ and play with her like a doll. (Those were our Barred Plymouth Rocks’ names. ‘Henny One. Henny Two. and . . . . Henny Three’). One of them was much more agreeable to being put in Sarah’s doll carriage, tucked in, and strolled around the yard. - Good Memories.
I created a video montage of trail-cam footage I’ve accumulated over the past few years: Our Adirondack Wildlife - YouTube
I’ve been seeing a lot around here. Wish I seen them this summer when the aphids were eating my pear and muscadines.
This one needs to find a place to hibernate… we had 29 last night.
Fun to watch. All I get on my camera are birds, cats, squirrels, opossum, and raccoons. Here’s an opossum stealing gooseberries.