Winter greens indoors - cloches

Like many do i have unheated rooms indoors i dont use in the winter that maintain a 50 - 60 degree F temperature. Im going to grow a small amount of lettuce, kale, and spinach indoors under led growlights. To control humidity i will use a make shift cloche. My version of a cloche will be 1 gallon vlassic pickle jars that keep in humidity during the dry winter months. I will lay the growlights on top of the jars. Greens take about a month and a half to grow. The lids of the pickle jar will catch the extra water. The pot with the dirt that the lettuce grows in will sit on top of the lid inside the 1 gallon jar. I will use plastic cups to hold the dirt. Its been months since i was in a grocery store. For those of you not wanting to use a pickle jar actual cloches are readily available on amazon. Eventually after i get a few cuttings off the greens indoors i will move the plants outside for early spring greens. The picture below shows an actual cloche which is essentially just a mini greenhouse.


I really should do something like that also.


I use milk jugs and orange juice jugs as cloches. About the only disposable plastics I get, actually. The aldi orange juice jugs are square and with the bottom cut off, fit perfectly with half-gallon milk cartons for rooting cuttings.


I have the only dirt basement floor in Cincinnati Ohio despite the fact that Ohio is a 3rd world county. I have a grow box that I have grow beets in.