I’m impressed you are able to ripen Peter’s honey. My tree is going to be cut down and grafted to other varieties in the next few weeks.
i think i bought peter’s honey to our last year’s fig tasting event. along with kadota. : )
I maybe didnt get to taste it. Kadota also ripened for you?
yes ram kadota ripen too! but i had a few that had the diseasethat affected some of the fruits in september.
Muscadine grapes will survive up here, but have low vigor and won’t be able to ripen the fruit.
I like the Muscat flavor of wine grapes.
Check maturity dates.
Anything later than Concord is probably too late for our cool summers.
I have some hybrid grapes from hobby breeding.
Nice! I’m sure your hybrids are tasty.
So some wine grapes have the muscat flavor? I wish there was tastings to do around here to know if I like before buying.
I really liked Neverella fig. Does well in the Puget Sound lowlands.
mostly white dessert wines.
There’s a few that ripen in the PNW coastal area.
Reliance grape is prone to crack in wet ripening weather? As Raintree nursery stated.
I don’t recall for sure. The grapes at my place are a bit of an afterthought, though reliance is the one I have right next to the house. I think the clusters are over dense, and yeah, maybe they do crack some years. I suspect keeping it well watered might help some.
It doesn’t seem remarkable other than setting heavy and regularly. I think I prefer the taste of many of the others I’ve grown.
I gave up on growing grapes a while ago because most of their fruit so tiny in size. Now I will try again with six different varieties: Hope, Neptune, Joy, Saint Theresa, Concord and one more missing label. All are seedless. Some of them just ordered. Don’t know how long for them to set fruit. Thank you Jafar.
Reliance is one of my faves too. Delicate skin, well balanced flavor profile and a perfumy bouquet. The fruit is smallish, but gains a lovely blush as it ripens, hanging from the vine in tight clusters that look elegant in the dusky light of warm summer evenings. Highly recommend. Perhaps most importantly for us PNW orchardists, Reliance thrives in these parts, especially where I’m located in the central Willamette Valley. Beyond an application of fertilizer and light winter pruning, I do nothing more than admire the growth and eat the bounty.
Anybody who would like a plant feel free to send me a direct message. I have a couple dozen that I rooted after winter pruning. They are looking for a good home.
I noticed some mention in this topic of the small size of some seedless grapes. It should be noted that girdling the trunk or canes can increase the size, sweetness, and early ripening of seedless grapes. This supposedly does not work on seeded grapes, but I noticed similar effects on the Fredonia (seeded Concord type) grapevine that I grow. So, I girdle all of my grapevines, including Himrod, Interlaken, Canadice, and Coronation seedless types.
From what I’ve read, girdling has a similar effect to the application of gibberellic acid, which apparently is what commercial growers do to their seedless table grapes.
Concord is not seedless. Seedless Concord is not Concord.
Wikipedia said Concord grape had large seeds. I don’t understand why too many nurseries selling concord seedless grape. Stark Bro’s selling regular concord and seedless concord as well.
I bought mine from Flower World nursery also confirmed Concord Seedless. That’s wrong information.
Sorry, I think the variety is called “Concord Seedless” rather than “Seedless Concord”, and hopefully that’s what you have. Not the same as “Concord”.
" Concord Seedless , though similar in flavor and texture to Concord, is unrelated. The clusters and berries are much smaller than those of Concord."
edit: the link has more description, among other things it says “In warm years, the variety produces fully developed seeds”.
That’s crazy
I guess if it was named “Similar to Concord and Sometimes Doesn’t Have Seeds” it wouldn’t be as catchy.
I’m growing “everest” which is a concord-type. from this article “It is also the first truly seedless Concord-type grape ever released”
first fruit this year, we’ll see
I got it from schlabach’s which is the no-website nursery in new york. not sure if they still have it, I haven’t seen a catalog in a couple years
you’ve probably seen it’s very hard to get grapes in oregon/washington because of “phytosanitary” rules to protect the wine industry, I don’t know if any others will sell this one to us
I never saw a release paper so I don’t know when it ripens. I’d guess late season like concord