Your favorite persimmon?

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Just got my new persimmon and it looks the same except I have an offshoot at the very top. The bark looks good so I will probably leave the tree as is and so what happens this season. I just hope that persimmons are fast-growers because I am 72 and don’t want to wait ten years.


Persimmons don’t root from cuttings. The only way to clonally propagate them is by grafting.

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Hope you saved some scionwood for grafting. These are not gong to make it unfortunately.

I am aware it is an exercise in probable failure. But I have propigated many hard or not clonable plants successfully before. I would call 1 survivor a success. I have no persimmons to graft to. I just got my first whip at least a month after I got the cuttings. So I wanted to try. People told me that about peaches, apples, mulberry, pawpaw, some roses, dogwoods, and some more I am sure I am forgetting. It cannot hurt to try. Hard to root does not = impossible.

I put the cuttings in my 84 degree ancistrus pleco and guppy tank and they constantly keep the stems clean. I keep them mostly submerged in my 12” deep custom built 110 gallon (shallow wide) aquarium. With the tips only out of the water. I leave them there until they rot or the buds swell. Once the buds swell I move them to soil and out to an empty large aquarium “hot house” and leave them with a lid on. So far they are behaving how I hope. :crossed_fingers: When I got them there were no buds, they were good and dormant. I moved them out this week when the buds began to really swell inside the warm aquarium water. To me even if it fails, this is what makes gardening fun. :point_left::blush:

To date the most difficult plant to root from a tip cutting for me is blue spruce tree. I have tried over 200 times and only got one to take so far. That one is a real difficult plant. I have got every other type of tree at the Christmas tree farm to root from tip cuttings. This stupid lil tree represents my stubborn tenacity.