Probably not this year. I’m thinking I’ll push them a lot this year and give them heat and light over winter to get them to size up, hopefully to fruiting size.
I’m also kinda taking advantage of the fact that y’all are doing the winter testing already. Why risk my own seedlings if you guys are doing it
Next winter though…
In fairness, I probably get the lowest temperatures out of the three or four of us on the forum growing these things. So I’ll need to do my own testing regardless (in some ways I think swincher gets colder winters, but it depends on how you measure I guess).
I’m debating getting more seeds actually. If these things are actually hardy for me and taste good, by the time I know for sure they are I’ll want to have already planted more of them. I’m thinking of preemptively planting more in case I decide I would have wanted more in the future. If I do plant another half dozen or so, I might actually do some cold tests with one of my bigger current seedlings.
I think I only have 2 seedlings growing now. I won’t plant them out the one I planted got chewed up by something (it was only teeny tiny tho) I knew it was a longshot
They join my two standard pungens seedlings that have been in the ground a few years. Those are doing pretty well this year despite some watermelons crowding them a bit, though they definitely seem to be in a low bush growth habit more than y’all’s:
Yes, definitely due in large part to freeze damage, but also it just seems like it wants to bush out, even when a branch tip isn’t damaged it often grows multiple shoots at the start of each flush.
I have appreciated reading through this thread. I’ve been interested in Guabiju for some time, but only recently acquired a plant. I’m in hot inland Northern California (9b). My plant is in a 15g pot while I am working out where it might be happiest to be planted in my yard. I’ll grab a picture and post it to follow up, but the plant has so far thrived through a week of 110F+ temps, though it was on the North side of the house and receiving 3 or so hours sun a day between the morning and late afternoon. Looking forward to being a part of the Guabiju conversation here!
i will have to post pics of my guabijus soon, i’m in the FL panhandle and they love the heat and humidity here (our rainy season is May through October), it’s been consistently in the 90s or hotter since May (my thermometers are in the shade btw so i don’t know the exact temps in full sun), they especially loved it in July, where it rained daily, they have grown quite a bit, the in-ground ones i have not pruned but the potted ones i have pruned twice so far to get them to branch out more, they are also very thirsty trees, kind of like jaboticaba. my two oldest ones in the ground are nice and bushy.
they have grown and filled out quite a bit, compare these pics to the pics i posted above from May 8th, i’d say they each grew at least a foot since then
this is another one, a small one i planted some time near the end of May i think, it grew 6 inches in a little over 3 months, i had pruned it right after i planted it so i can see exactly how much it grew.