2020 Buds, Flowers and Fruit!

Propriconazole is for brown rot which is caused by fungus called monilinia fructicola. I do not know what causes rot in pomegranates. It probably is caused by different fungus. You should to check the label of Bonide Infuse if it is listed for pomegranate rot or not. It may not.


Thanks @PomGranny , @mamuang I will hold infuse and do more research before doing anything.

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I’m relieved. I don’t want you to ‘glow in the dark’ after consuming a pomegranate. :wink:


Redhaven Peach 07-20-20 will be ready in few days.


This is just a friendly reminder " Thin your peaches" I lost 33 peaches today with two broken branches. Peaches are lemon or little bigger in size.


When I saw your previous pic of your peaches, the word “thinning” came to mind. You may know that peaches should be thinned to one fruit every 8-12”. It is easier said than done for a lot of people, me included.

I’ve always thined a lot off but still, I lost a large limb on the same peach tree, two years in a row. That has contributed to the tree’s decline prematurely, I believe.

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I have two producing multi grafted three year old peaches and removed over 200 and left about 100 or so. My mistake was I thinned all at once instead of two three passes now they are almost to a full size.
This is the first time my peach branch broken but I should have thinned more. In pictures peaches look more closer but in fact they have some space between them.

Exactly my same mistake! I should not count how many I thinned (~300) but what is the distance between them. I also think, the ones near the tips have to be even more aggressively thinned as they tend to bend the branches.

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In my opinion, keeping 100 out of 300 was still leaving a lot on a tree. Often, when fruitlets are young, we think they sufficiently have enough space between them and don’t look like much. Once they size up, they get very heavy. That’s why thinning in rounds usually will help us decide how many more need to be removed. I usually thin 3 rounds (or 4) before I bag.

This is from a branch of my 3rd year graft on a multi grafted peach tree.
Before thinning.


After thinning.


Brutal! I didn’t do a good job thinning. My contender peaches are much smaller than last year. Last year I picked them on August 9th which means I pretty much have 3 more weeks for them to size up. I don’t know how much they grow the last few weeks. As of now they are pretty small. Size is very disappointing hopefully the flavor will not be.

From what I was told, peaches stay small for weeks and start to push during the last 3 weeks during its ripening stage.

Yours still have a chance to size up.


Yup…i think they call it the pit hardening stage.

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Ayers Pear sizing up nicely. Now I have to figure it out when to pick these. First time setting pears and only 5 :sunglasses:.


Must have been the early severe drought. 5 peach trees and one tiny peach from all of them. :thinking:. :persevere:


That is sad.:kissing_heart:


Harko Nectarine harvested 07-26-2020 not too sweet but very good flavor and size.


My guava varieties bloom and set fruit at different times but a few flowers in each variety overlap. Interesting to see small variations in color and form

Malaysian Red

Yellow lemon guava

Red Beaumont


Kumquat flowers


Some of those guavas can get huge. At the grocery store yesterday there was some that were about the size of a softball (green).

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Depends on the variety, I guess. Generally, my experience is the hard crunchy ones can get really big in ideal growing conditions but the soft, sweeter ones remain relatively smaller. The biggest one I got so far (just one fruiting season so far) was the size of a pear towards the end of the season