2020 Grafting Thread

I got it from Geneva, and really wasn’t sure what it was when I ordered it. I finally went to the GRIN site and the description verified it’s a red sport of Northern Spy.

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Will buds push through Polyethylene/budding tape?

One thing for sure is that anything is possible. There can be several reasons for a graft to fail but in my opinion the method of graft is an easier one to fix. Your method might not be the problem seeing that your apple grafts are successful. Posting some detailed pictures of the failures would allow the growing fruit group to offer better advice.

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I have noticed some post about grafts not emerging as soon as others that were grafted at the same time. Most of my grafts start growing about the same time but I have exceptions that grow weeks and even months later. You could make another graft or just be patient and wait especially if your short of scion wood. A recent example was grafting wild hazels onto my hybrids. I only wanted one to grow but I grafted five. Two started growing immediately and two more just started growing (est four weeks apart). I have one more that hasn’t emerged yet and my plans is to just wait and see how it does. Easy for me to wait seeing that my wants was met with the first take. I don’t know what causes the delay but it happens. All five grafts were cleft.


Ok, I’m done grafting for 2020!!! Added a few final grafts today. First graft: January 25. Last graft: April 28. The tally for 2020:

Apricots: 21 varieties, 90 grafts
Plums and Pluots: 17 varieties, 56 grafts
Sweet Cherry: 4 varieties, 5 grafts
Tart Cherry: 7 varieties, 22 grafts
Apples: 20 varieties, 52 grafts
Pears: 20 varieties, 22 grafts
Quince: 1 variety, 3 grafts
Figs: 16 varieties, 35 grafts
Persimmon: 5 varieties, 6 grafts

Total: 111 varieties, 291 grafts


@odin.9 they usually push through 1 or two layers…if they dont help them by cutting tape with a rasor!

Any scar on hands with all those grafts? Sometimes my fingers are sore from all the cuttings and taping.


A couple of nicks but nothing serious.


Geez @Stan, now I’ll have to pay you a visit. You probably have more varieties than CRFG!


Whatever self pitty I might have been feeling about all the grafts I am doing just went away! :grin:


My hat’s off to you, sir.


Following @Stan ‘s model, here is my grafting tally for the season so far. Given our late season, my grafting won’t end until well into June.

Citrus 4 varieties— 20 grafts
Persimmon - 10 varieties, 25 grafts
Loquat— 10 varieties, 25 grafts
Fig — 2 varieties, 2 grafts (just starting figs)
Feijoas- 4 varieties, 13 grafts
Apple- 6 varieties, 12 grafts
Stone fruit- 8 varieties, 16 grafts
Mulberry- 2 varieties, 2 grafts.

Tally so far: 46 varieties, 115 total grafts

Still have lots of figs, loquat, Pawpaw, persimmon, stone fruit etc to do


What type of graft do you all recommend for grafting persimmons? Thanks

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I was a bit less adventurous and only grafted apples and pears this year :smile: first year for me grafting but here is what I did…

Apple - 29 varieties, 72 grafts
Pears - 7 varieties, 48 grafts

Total varieties 36, total grafts 120

I would have to go and count the top worked calleries that I did to be exact on the number but thatbis how many by counting them in my head.

I had some of the grafts on the first callery to fail but thensecond one looks like it is doing much better. I will have to get some updated pics once I see a but more growth from them :+1:


Any idea on when to graft on an apricot? Trying to add multiple stone fruits. Also best method? Newbie - took a class but haven’t succeeded in my own garden.

When the understock leafed it out and the temperature in the 60s to 70s for a span of 2 weeks.


Do you look for minimum night time temperatures before grafting? I always fear that I’m jumping the gun wanting to graft too early…


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Apricot grafts can handled the 40s at night with no issues. My eight apricot grafts from 2 weeks ago and now at green tips.

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You only need 60s-70s for a few days after grafting (ideally ~4 but fewer can work). Then it can cool down for a long spell. That is what happened to me this year and it looks like all my apricot grafts are working so far.


Tried my first peach grafts this year. Grafted harvester onto my flame prince tree as a backup because my harvester on lovell is not growing very fast compared with flame prince on guardian. They are only 18" apart so harvester is getting dominated. Both graft took and are growing strong. We had tons of highs temps in the high 70s lately so maybe that helped. It certainly wasnt my grafting prowess.