American persimmon in Vista CA

Here’s a record of my trials and errors with D. virginiana in NW San Diego county, USDA zone 10b. Note that our climate is very different from FL 10b.

In California, D. virginiana requires some assembly. Import of persimmon roots is prohibited. There is plenty of asian rootstock and trees within the state, but only one supplier of american persimmon rootstock: Fruitwood nursery in Orleans CA.

The first two rootstock saplings I ordered arrived today (1/10/2025) :slightly_smiling_face:


Fruitwood is great. Looks like you received grafting ready stock.

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Here’s the 1st two rootstock plugs in Stuewe 3" x 8" mini tree pots. Sixteen more are on the way.


What varieties are you going to be growing?

If you run out of rootstock, you can still graft Virginiana to Lotus rootstock and get excellent results.

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I have my sights set on H-118, Geneva Red, and Downingtown Center.

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Tonight I added Lehman’s Delight and Valeene Queen. I now have coverage of these breeders:

J. Hershey
G. Slate
G. Claypool
J. Lehman
D. Compton