Arboreum Co. sale went live 9/11/22 at 5pm ET

Unfortunately the only thing I was looking for was a Hakuto Peach, but it sold out before I had a chance to get one. But $93 FedEx shipping… Have they always charged that much?


Maybe, you don’t miss much. After all, most yellow peaches taste rather similar, at least to me.

I think someone here grow that peach. Once you get a hang of grafting, you can pm that person for a scionwood exchange. It’d be a lot cheaper that way.


@mamuang The Hakuto is a variety that @SMC_zone6 speaks highly about. I’m just getting started on fruit trees, but I was willing to make room somewhere in my property for a Hakuto. For now I should be plenty busy already setting up this initial plan:

FruitTreesPlan.docx (34.8 KB)

That’s on top of my large vegetable garden, my 30+ potted figs and my new raspberry, blueberry and boysenberry patch.

Sometimes I’m my worst own enemy… always trying to do too much at once.

I am in constant disagreement with Mamuang’s opinion about variety in peach flavors. Maybe it’s just his climate, I don’t know.

Jumping from veggie gardens and berries to peach will be a challenge. You have plenty of time to study how to handle diseases and insects.

However, if you do not want to spray synthetic chemicals, it will be an uphill battle for peaches and other stone fruit in our area.

Our weather is unpredictable. I thought I would get very good peaches this year due to the drought. Well it poured last week at the time of my late peaches about to ripen. My Winblo, Baby Crawford and PF 25 are less than optimal taste-wise.

My Autumn Star peach is about to ripen later this week. Guess what?we are going to get soak again this Tues. In short, excellent peaches vs New England weather? My bet is on Mother Nature.

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No pears listed (yet).

I’m not entirely against spraying chemicals, but I have to tell my wife that, or it would be a no-go. :wink:

Tell her that what you will spray will be a lot less that what those commercial growers spray on peaches she buys from supermarkets.


@mamuang She exclusively shops at Whole Foods and purchases exclusively organic food. Once she bought something that wasn’t organic in error and she threw it away. LOL

But I will do what I have to do. :joy:

I was about to say “unless she shops at Whole Foods” and…. she does.

Stick with figs, persimmons and jujubes if you want to please her.

Also let her know that organic doesn’t mean no sprays, just organic sprays… Of which there are many. Stone fruit will be a challenge from everything I’ve read though.


Have to agree with mamaung, without spraying you will be growing it for the flowers alone. I spray and still lose a good amount of the crop. And that’s all stone fruit.

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I have to admit that they have excellent pears there this year. My friend couldn’t tell the difference from my homegrown ones. :tired_face:


@disc4tw Not to mention that some of those organic sprays are very questionable. As I told her so many times, just because it’s organic doesn’t mean it can’t kill you. Arsenic is very organic.

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Enjoying this conversation very much. But just to go back to the original topic for a second, Arboreumco was very kind to alert me via email a few minutes before going live specifically about the Hakuto, which I had inquired about in August. Although I missed it, I admire their attentive customer service.

Arboreumco was also kind to follow up to my email about how quickly they sold out on Hakuto:

Sorry but alas the machine does not lie. It is possible to order something right out of another’s shopping cart, if you are nimble and willing to settle for one poached tree at a time.

Are they saying that some folks might have stashed it away in their carts and are holding those trees hostage?


The opposite it sounds like…if you stash it in a cart, they can sell it anytime before you check out to someone else.

But, $25 gets me 6 trees shipped from one vendor…and these people ask for $95?
Getting rich off ‘handling’ it sounds to me like.

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That happened to me last year with Shakarpara. I had it in my cart and was perusing the new ones that had just been listed. When I tried to check out it was poof gone. I came up empty.

Today I got their note 40 minutes before the appointed hour but didn’t notice it until 20 minutes after the hour. Unfortunately I missed Late Muscatelle plum but did score Mesch Mesch Amrah cherry plum.

The shipping bit a bit but, compared to the net cost at Raintree, it wasn’t a huge premium for a variety that otherwise would be nigh impossible to obtain. I picked up Coe’ s Transparent cherry but didn’t risk more window shopping before hitting the checkout.

Anyone happen to have Late Muscatelle and be looking to trade scionwood?

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Unless it is for a rare variety, I have a set number in my mind that I’ll pay per tree and 90+ in shipping is already above my personal number. Rare varieties or larger trees are worth the cost though if it’s something you can’t get otherwise.

I have found rare and uncommon varieties of trees sell out quickly compared to other trees. I was trying to get Naomi’s Delicious Paw Paw and another variety of Paw Paw that Englands Nursery had sold but no longer sells because they are shut down. I believe the Website was Peaceful Heritage Nursery. I got the email at something like 3 o clock but the website did not launch until later that day sometime. I managed to get both Paw Paw in my cart but I got a error stating there was not enough quantity for 1 of each. The thing that makes it worse is some of these websites like Peaceful Heritage are very laggy so I had to wait 5 minutes per screen to try again. I ended up leaving empty handed and with a bitter taste in my mouth about the website. I agree 90 dollars seems expensive for a peach tree. Most sell their peaches around 20 something dollars and 20-40 dollars shipping. Peaches are on the cheaper end of the spectrum if not the cheapest I would say. What I have also learned is some varieties are rare for a reason. They may not taste as good as the regular variety. I would ask why does no one sell it. There are some varieties that are just rare because of the lack of propagators but there are other ones that there is a reason. The best tasting fruit seems to be sold by many.

Also I just viewed their website. I could not help but notice that most varieties they are offering I have not even heard of.