It’s actually the incompatibility of quince that makes it fruit faster. I’ve got unusual rootstocks that are highly incompatible with anything which produce very quickly. Quince is tolerant of some pears but not actually compatible. The easiest pears to graft - pear interstems . The research I’ve done on pears is extensive Interstem aka interstock Pear Grafting . Why do all that the question and this thread explains some of it My latest pear experiments in early fruiting . Wild Callery might all be genetically diverse but that can be useful How tough are callery as rootstocks? Why use them? . Some things are hard to put together Pear rootstocks influence on Fruit size there is a great deal we don’t know. Pay very close attention to that last link as I fruited many pears in just a year or two. Some rootstock such as ohxf333 do indeed force a pear to produce fruit faster but the fruit can be smaller and off flavored the first couple of years. The experimental rootsocks I grow are definately fruiting quickly.