Backyard Orchards, chronicling, musing and more

Let me show you a nice pic of my Mirabelle Parfume de Septembre, picked this morning, 8/29/21.

I have about 3 lbs of presentable mirabelles. On my kitchen counter, I have about 10+ lbs of mirabelles that have serious cracking. Time for jam making.


How do they taste?

They tasted OK. Brix has been average at 15-17. Low was 13 and high was 20. In previous years, brix over 20 was a norm.

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I picked PF 25 was a couple fell and split from too much water.

I also picked Winblo. They were at the right picking time for me. Clean fruit. A few Honey Punch pluots cracked and attacked by ants so I recued them. They are not ripe yet.


Wnblo in the back, PF 25 in the front, a few are underripe and were low on a branch.

The line up.

Autumn Star needs two more weeks. This one fell today so it got a spot in a line up.


I spent yesterday cutting and saving good pieces of cracked mirabelles to make jam. I got onlyb 3 kilos of salvageable pieces and over 7 kilos of thrown away :weary:

We marinated overnight and made jam today. It came out very well.


Very nice setup you have, looking like extreme eating enjoyment .

We used a food mill so there was no skin left. Just an experiment. We usually make plum jam with skin on.

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Mirabelle and Cassis are my two favorites.

Mrs. G,
What is Cassis?

Black currants.


Almost all my fruit suffered cracking. So I picked them earlier than I should as they start to rot.

The new fruit I have this year that I like is Honey Punch pluots. Even underripe, they were sweet (brix from 17-22). Skin was tart. I think when fully ripe, they would taste just right with sweet flesh and tart skin.
They are also large. Some are larger than a large egg.

Here is the line up of.
Mirabelle, fake Valor, unknown Japanese and Honey Punch.


Picked all my Honey Punch pluots because most cracked. They were not fully ripe. I guess around mid September will be its fully ripening time.

At this stage, they are firm, tart skin with enough sweetness of the flesh. Some may like them at this stage more than fully ripen if they prefer more balanced taste ane firm texture. I only have Spring Satin for early pluot and Honey Punch for a late one. I am pleased with both.


Discovery apple had some pink/red streak in them. Ripening time for me is around early Sept. These two cracked badly. Texture was similar to McIntosh. Not crisp or juicy. May have tasted better if not soaked and cracked by rain.

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A nice surprise was this unknown Japanese plum. They were very productive, large (for a plum), hung for a long time, did not crack in continuous rain. Juicy and mildly sweet.

Anything that went through over two months of rain (some was heavy) and did not crack is a winner in my yard.


Pear time.

I picked Maxine last week.
Aurora dropped on 9/6/21
Seckel dropped on 09/07/21

The line up.


@hambone and @Auburn
Here’s my Blake’s Pride.
In previous years, it was gritty and tasted subpar. It is fire blight resistant.


Nice looking pear

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I honestly can’t differentiate Aurora and BP. If you look upthread at Aurora, BP looks so much alike except for my BP is smaller.

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