To everyone: What are your children’s favorite apples?
::sigh:: Honeycrisp.
Yeah, honeycrisp for my kids also.
My kids love those supersweet apples like Fuji or Pacific Rose.
However I was wondering about the small apples like Frostbite, Kinderkrisp, Crimson Crisp or Pixie Crunch. Are they worth growing for our little ones?
They both love Wicksons.
Pixie Crunch was a hit this past year for kids and adults alike. It was super crisp, as well as sweet and flavorful. Kinda like apple candy.
Definitely reccomended!
Oh, I didn’t know about Kinderkrisp. First time reading about it. Gonna research it Thanks!
Pixie Crunch, Evercrisp, and Pink Lady.
I think our daughter’s favorite apple this past fall was Jonagold. It seemed like she could polish off a Jonagold the size of her head. (I exaggerate, slightly.)
4 year old grandson: Gala
Once in a while, we should revive this thread because we have many more new members who may not have seen this thread yet.
One of my best tasting apples is Gold Rush. Besides having good mix of acidity and sweetness, the apples kept for a long time. I picked mine in November last year and I ate the last one in April. It still tasted good. The crunchiness was not there but the the texture was still firm enough.
I planted mine in 2015. It fruited for the first time last yesr. I had about a dozen apples. This year it is loaded. I just finished bagging those apples. It was almost 200 even after aggressive thinning.
I’ll put my 2c in on this subject. Goldrush is prob me and my wife’s favorite, and Honeycrisp is the next one on the list.
My other faves are Golden Russet, Suncrisp and Winesap, while my wife also likes Suncrisp, plus Stayman Winesap and Pink Lady.
Honorable mentions are Jonathan, Zestar, and Fuji.
Matt was raving about Evercrisp, well, I was just checking the website of an orchard we’ve visited over the last couple of years, and noticed that they’re listing this as one of their varieties this year. So, looking forward to trying some of those this fall.
Goldrush is also high on my list of the best. Hope you don’t mind be jumping topics a little but is the bamboo in the background the clumping type and if so do you know the variety. Thanks
I will pm you my response so no one on this thread will throw apples at us.
Irony in the orchard! My Jonagold usually takes two of my other apple trees to pollinate as it is the largest. My triploid will have buckets of fruit this year and the other apples,Pristine and Enterprise are Skimpy! I will have my first Calvilles blancs this year. And my Mott Pink never lets me down. After my stroll this afternoon I realize it is time to net! I’ll need help! Jonagold and Mott Pink are so worth netting!
Netting against squirrels?
Ever try a Swiss Limbertwig? Unusual apple flavor. I highly recommend.
I had read that Goldrush was resistant to just about everything except scab. Where I am scab is pretty rampant. I am not sure if it would be worth putting yet another scab susceptible apple tree in my orchard. Anyone around the Ohio area growing one that can answer that question?
On my list to try. I just planted a Meyer’s Royal Limbertwig this spring.