Bloom times of plums/hybrids. Zone 8b, PNW

Overall how often your tree fruiting and how is the flavor? Looks so delicious Brady.
My tree that was the first fruit tree in my yard. Bought it from Walmart and lost the name tags. It was growing very fast and had only a couple fruits every year. I moved her to my rental property and still there but the soil there mostly gravel and a lot of deers stop by so no fruit left. Only some very tall branches survive and waiting to get bigger.
I still have room for one more tree. So try to find some Pluot adaptable well and high quality fruit in our weather. Thank you so much for information @Bradybb
This is old picture from another thread. Looks similar your fruit.


There has been fruit every season,since about three years ago.I really like the flavor, sweet and kind of spicy.
Maybe I could get scions from yours and compare them,when they give fruit.

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Yes, my tree fruiting very years as well but only a few. Plus growing spread form habit . My rental property in Hood Canal, Belfair area. If have chance go there I will get some scions for you. It also look like Mariposa plum @Bradybb.

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I have a Marcia’s Flavor graft and I had a Flavorosa tree in the past (it died along with all other DWN trees on Citation that I had). Flavorosa pluots from my tree (see photos below) were different from fruit on your photos — mine had a dark purple skin with small dots and a dark amber flesh, while yours have dark red/bordeaux skin with large dots and a red flesh. Your fruit is not Marcia’s Flavor pluot either. With the red flesh this might be Mariposa plum or some other descendant of Satsuma.

Photos of Flavorosa pluots from my tree:

Photo of Flavorosa pluots from Andy Mariani’s fruit tasting:


The flesh is big different. For sure they are not the same fruits. Thank you @Stan .

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I agree,the skin is somewhat close in resemblance,but flesh is different.
I’ll ask another person in.@itheweatherman may have knowledge.Ulysses,does Vincent’s or my fruit look familiar?Mine has a fairly strong bouquet,when ripe.
I’ll look at pictures of Satsuma.


Satsuma, Mariposa and Flavor Supreme all have some variants of greenish-maroon mottled skin, quite different from your fruit. But the red flesh is similar.


Satsuma plum fruit skin has no white dots.

I saw a few pictures,like this one from Four Winds Growers in California,that show some.


Flavorosa Pluot picture from OGW the flesh has deeper color. We aren’t sure satsuma and Mariposa fruiting in western Washington.


Maybe I’ll call mine,Brady’s Mystery Plum.

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Yes, good idea Brady.
My neighbor gave me 2 yellow golden European prune seedling plum. One I gave to my niece and 1 planted in rental property. Mine died because no one water or taking care there. And I found out it’s the best tasting quality plum in about over 20 plum varieties I have, Including Greengage and Rosy gage . So this year I replanted 2 of them in my yard, and named it Vincent’s plum. Hopefully in future some gardeners will have it and pass to anothers.


@Bradybb have you ever tasted flavor punch Pluerry yet? How do you think its performing in our areas especially for late ripening?

Shiro, Redheart, Candy Heart, Tlor, and Black Ice bloom early, and usually within a day or two of each other. Hollywood is close behind, along with AU-Rosa, Superior, Toka, and Flavor Grenade. Nadia was very close to Hollywood until the graft failed and I lost it. Alderman blooms late with Frost peach, Euro and Chickasaw plums. When the Euro plums are in bloom, the pears & cherry are close behind, and then the apples.
There seems to be a 50/50 chance that my earliest plum/hybrids will overlap with Alderman, but Hollywood, Flavor Grenade, and Superior seem to consistently overlap with most of them.
Shiro is worth buying based on ornamental qualities alone. The plums are good, but nothing to write home about. Black Ice makes a delicious fruit with a distinctive cherry flavor (23 Brix on mine), but some people are having trouble with fruit set. I got my best fruit set last year, when I put AU-Rosa next to it. Unfortunately, both AU-Rosa and Black Ice contracted plum pocket fungus and the fruits were lost. Superior sets fruit well, but has spindly branches the need support. The Superior plum has a texture similar to a ripe nectarine and a sweet flavor w/ bubblegum/banana notes. The flesh is has a lowish acidity that balances with the mild tartness of the skin.


I don’t think mine has fruited.

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@Bradybb how is your Purple Heart plum? Quality very good? Fruiting well every year? Do you know where can we order it ? Thank you Brady.

That’s the thing.There was a fair amount of fruit one year and then slim to none afterwards.Very good flavor and meaty.
Maybe try Fedco Seeds for Purple Heart Plum.

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How is your Howard miracle plum? Easy fruiting and quality? Leaf diseases ok? @murky. Thank you Jafar.

Both of them look like Flavorosa Pluots.


Here in California, it ripens in late-May and it’s very sweet and juicy compared to early-ripening plums.

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