Buds Flowers and Fruit - 2024 Edition

I know with the long growing season here I was going to be significantly ahead of anything I’ve read about, well, any fruit tree.

I’m also quite happy if this tree ripens fruit in June as opposed to September…the longer a fruit goes into the hot, humid summer, the more time for issues to come up, be it disease (bacterial/viral), insects, and 4 legged critters.

I simply may not have the luxury of spreading out harvests from numerous different fruit trees through the summer and fall.


I grafted a Shiro branch on my Cot-n-Candy aprium last spring.

3 fruit. Pretty sure this is Shiro. Small, pretty fruit. Went ahead and pulled one for a bit of counter ripening with my few Santa Rosa.


My hands are small today.


@Tana Wow :star_struck: those are huge!


If the tree holds on to all the fruit this year I’m going to be covered in persimmon. I got thousands of flowers…


that is such a perfect little guy. it’s just looks delicious.

We’ll see. I don’t know what a mature tree’s fruit size is for Shiro.

It’s certainly a pretty color.

I’ll eat it in a few days. I know I picked it early as in my imagination the 3 fruit that branch has will suddenly be visited by birds and squirrels right before I want to pick them!

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Shiro are nothing special to eat, but they are a nice refreshing plum when harvested a the right time. Their most endearing quality is that they usually produce fruit when most other Japanese plum trees lose their entire crop due to frost. Shiro are a very nice eating plum when that’s the only plum you have to eat come harvest time. :smiley:

Last years crop:


That is many times the size of mine, though I’m not surprised considering I’ve only got one branch with 4-5 laterals about 3 feet long.

In my limited grafting experience, all of my Shiro grafts took (though this is the only tree that remains in my yard with its graft.

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they’re just so damn pretty. makes me want them.

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My villarica strawberry Chilean guava is absolutely loaded


So, early as it is, I picked one flavor grenade that had a bit of color. It obviously isn’t ripe yet and the sugars were low, but it wasn’t so bitter I had to spit it out. The colored part was, of course, sweeter.

Strangely there didn’t seem to be a seed. See the photo. It wasn’t rotting, or yet at least.

Didn’t see any evidence of insect access.


some things just don’t care if the weather is cold, and overwintering a pepper apparently puts it into that category


Update on some new (first time!) fruit sets for me in Z10 California.

Lapins Cherry:
First time it ever flowered and first ever cherry set. Exciting! Hope I get to taste it!

Red Fuji Apple:
Flowering for the 2nd year in a row. But last year, nothing set - mainly because of wind events that blew all the flowers away.


First plums on my Santa Rosa tree, which is at least 10 years old! And Shiro plums, from several grafts are loaded with fruit. None ripe yet though. Toka plums are scarce this year.

Some early picked plums. Perhaps a pluot. Wanted to take them before the squirrels and birds did.
Robada Apricots. Just beautiful! Do not have what I consider an ‘apricot’ taste, though. Sweet. That variety seems to do the best in my climate.

Lots of little pears - all sorts of varieties thanks to grafting! I’m excited about those . . . because we haven’t had any pears yet.


This looks amazing! Congrats! Hope you get to try a lot of this!


It’s about to be that time of year…

Wild black raspberries. Jewel is just slightly later

Wild/invasive wineberry but oh the taste is so intense

Blackberries are coming along

So are the blueberries

And there will be a lot of them this year



Aunt Rachel

Carters Blue (I think)


Started off picking HR and JJ… but then covered those up with Purple royalty and Bristol blacks…

Yummmmm !


1 lonely little flower on the new blueberry bush

First apple on my Honeycrisp tree.

A lot of blackberries on this 2nd year Natchez.

Recently found Dewberries.


2017 grafts of Warren and Magness to my Harrow Sweet. Warren has fruited lightly for a couple years. First year fruit from Magness. Both are pretty loaded.

