Buds , Flowers and Fruits 2022 Edition!

What variety is this? Beautiful!

Carissa Macrocarpa


That looks slightly underripe to me. I like their taste, but hate the way the latex makes my mouth feel after eating them.

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But they are not unripe… we never try it before and some were more soft and others less. We tried both and we liked more the less soft. The latex wasn’t much stiky… i was expecting worse. :blush:

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There might be differences between bushes, too. I used to eat them a lot in Miami, and if you eat 10-15 of them in one sitting then your tongue feels like it has a latex coating for an hour after. I preferred the deep red ones with less latex when you cut them.

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It is widely planted in southern CA parking lots and commercial sites as a landscaping plant.


It’s also widely planted along waterfront parks, parking lots, and restaurants in Miami, since it has such good salt tolerance.

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I read it’s a great healthy fruit and you can turn it on juices, jams, chutneys etc.
And you can have fruits all year!

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Produces in late summer here.

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Aurora pear. Third year graft damaged by Cicadas but produce only one fruit.
Very fragrant and sweet. :grinning: :yum:. Thanks to @scottfsmith for scion.


Chestnut apples:


Primrouge/ Akane apples:

James Grieve apples:


Ping Tung long, tiny one, so cute, but I did dump a lot of compost here and it’s taking off.

My Long An, any day now, there’s a heat wave coming this weekend, I think I should be able to harvest these, I’m watching the branch to turn down, that’s when I know I can pick them, I did pick one for taste test and it’s sweet, juicy, small seed, can’t wait.

My volunteer watermelon, amazing it’s getting bigger and bigger every day, no sign of maturing, not for the green growth.


The Wisconsin pineapple crop is small this year :farmer:

So this plant must have been 3 years old (or older) and i think it started fruiting late winter/spring? It did get burnt up some when i put it outside for the summer—this is an issue with all houseplants–need to be so careful when/where you put out house plants in the spring or they get fried.—but it chugged along producing a small sweet pineapple. Pretty much like a good store bought fruit. I ate it all.


Some figs really want to produce fruit.


A dropped Virginia Beauty apple. Nice red color with a russetted bonnet. Looks a little like the Akane pictured earlier. Fine grained, mildly sweet but a little bit boring. I read it’s ripe in October so I hope the rest stay on. The other side had more color.


Looks promising.
The only hanging apple fruit I have is a Cornish Aromatic (I hope)…and a Fuji.

Some of my potted trees are defoliated…but I think they’re alive.

I love this description. ! It sums it up very well - for many of the fruits I’ve tried!


I am harvesting everyday… :grinning: :yum:


Which pears are these, Naeem? They look great. :yum:

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These are three types of pears. On top right corner green one is Moonglow. At front two asian pears are Korean Giant ( first time producing ) while all other with red tint Ayers sugar pears.