There is plenty to say about Fan-Stil but the truth is harder to come by. Many say this pear is under patent. Others say no this pear has been around a long time. Let’s start at Corvalis who has scions for research etc. PI 617658 GRIN-Global
A credible nursery Fan-Stil® | Dave Wilson Nursery says
“Bell-shaped yellow fruit with red blush. Crisp, juicy white flesh. Consistent bearer. Shows fire blight resistance. Ripens Aug-Sept. Self-fruitful. 150 chill hours. USDA Zones 5-10.”
Some will argue it was developed in San Antonio Texas, United States by John Fanick. Many say it needs 400- 500 chill hours.
This link says this Fan-Stil Pear History
"Mr. Eddie Fanick supplied budwood in about 1967. The L. E. Cooke Co put it into production in 1972. This selection has been a very steady seller because of its resistance to pear blight and the high production of quality fruit. It is a pleasurable pear to grow as it continued to increase in production for years and when sales leveled off, it never went down as others have.
Retail nurseries change fruit varieties like ladies change fashions. Many varieties grow in sales and then peak and sales decline as nurseries try a new selection. Fan-StilTM sales peaked and held steady so production continues.
The fruit is medium bell shape, canary yellow skin with slight red blush, crisp juicy white flesh. The tree has vigorous very upright growth; bears consistently, fruit ripens late August into September. The selection has never shown any fire blight in our orchards or fields but there has been one or two reports of some in the east.
Bob Ludekens 1-13-2014"
This link says this
“Fan-stil - originated from Mexico around the 1900’s. Introduced by Fanick Nursery (San Antonio, Tx). Ripens in early August. The fruit is smooth, with melting flesh. Similar to Le Conte but more fire blight resistant.”
See these threads
According to
'" About Fan-Stil Pear Tree
Grows in zones: 5 - 9
Fan-Stil Pear Tree is a newer patented variety pear tree that is the most fire-blight resistant of the pears. The fruit is medium, bell shaped and has creamy yellow skin with a slight red blush. Fan-Stil Pear trees are vigorous, upright growers that bear consistently heavy crops of delicious Fan-Stil Pears in August. The sweet, crisp and juicy fruit can be eaten fresh from the tree. It needs around 500 chill hours.
According to
"Very good resistance to fire blight
Consistently bears large crops of fruit
Very attractive, bell-shaped fruits
Good resistance to fire blight. Crisp, juicy, white flesh. Vigorous, very upright growth. Bears consistently. Creamy yellow skin with slight red blush. Medium, bell-shaped fruit. Cold hardy zone 6 (probably 5) (500 chill hours required). Harvest late August into September. Not sure if cold storage treatment needed, try a few both ways!
Grows in zones: 6-9
Some claim it’s an ancient variety dating back to at least early 1900s in Mexico maybe much further back and others claim it is a new patented variety. Clearly it cannot all be true. We do know is this pear has been around awhile since many have grown it for years in Texas.