My googling says this tree needs about 300-500 chill hours.
Anyone has an opinion on this plum? I have tasted a small pluerry from the farmers market, I liked it, but I ordered sweet treat pluerry which is a late plum, I don’t think it’s the same as the one I tasted at the farmers market.
I’m thinking of replacing this plum with my Emerald Plum, it has flower buds this year, but it also has 600-700 chill hours which I don’t have, unfortunately when I bought it I didn’t pay attention to the chill hours.
Not enough chill hours sometimes less blooming.
Just try and will find out.
My area not very good for late ripening. But I try to plant one flavor punch Pluerry and let see what happens in next a few years.
Good luck for everything. Vincent
Mine is a tiny tree so I just left one fruit last year. It was around 30 brix and sweet. It’s not complex flavor but that doesn’t bother me too much. Having tasted Sweet treat before and Flavor Punch and Candy Heart from my garden last year, I’d say I prefer Candy Heart the best. Flavor Punch is close second.
@californicus so Flavor punch fruit very high bix. Hopefully you have more fruit next summer then tasting again. Sounds like it better tasting quality than sweet treat?
My area in Seattle wasn’t easy for Candy heart at all. Do you have Nadia cherry plum? Vincent.
I grafted Nadia last year. Hope to see 1-2 fruits soon
Yesterday, I planted this tree down. I think I will have enough chill hours for it. The Emerald beauty is still in container.
That had great roots and looks like its really taken off. Congrats
Very! You’ve got the touch. It and AU Producer are my only Japanese plums or pluots that set decently this year. Even Nadia and Shiro decided to take a year off.
My Shiro has nothing this year, same with Sweet Treat.
AU what Plum is it ? My Catalina plum has 3 fruits this year. Fruits are turning color now. Very excited.
@Vincent_8B curious, what made Seattle a challenge for candy heart? I take it it’s the rain or late spring freeze during bloom time? (I might have asked this before but can’t recall really. :)) )
@tubig with my personal thought. I think both apply to Candy heart. Too wet and freezing cold during the bloom time. So it was very hard for Candy heart set fruit in Seattle areas. The tree performs fine. Some of us might have different experience. I really like to taste the fruit but gave up on it.
So sad. Something wrong with my flavor punch Pluerry. Hopefully find out some treatment for it. Thank you for all advice.
I had the same issue last year, but mine is more discolored. I cut it off and used hydrogen peroxide(not sure what i was doing) thankfully it healed. I think it would be better if I use heat like one of the member recommended here.
I love the flavor punch pluerry, it is big, sweet, juicy and complex in flavor. My harvest date is different from davewilson, it goes way early than the forecast harvest date around Late July August for zone 9a. It is ranked Number 3 on my pluerry list. 1. Candy Heart 2. Sweet treat 3. Flavor punch 4. Sugar twist.
The darker color sap looks like a left hand with index finger raised.
@John_P i thought about that also. Unfortunately it’s happened very close to the ground. Could not trim any more. Hopefully it okay. I just afraid of some pets living inside the tree and spread to another fruit trees John.
@murky i saw that too. Looking the shape so strange at least not a middle finger. Jafar.