Flavor Treat pluot vs Emerald Beaut plum

I like the pluots too because the skin and pit are not sour. They usually are sweeter and hang on the tree for a long time. Plums like Santa Rosa taste good when perfect, but they drop from the trees so randomly, crack, and turn sour. We have nine types of pluots and 17 types of plums, but only the ones that are sold to the home gardeners. Not all of them have fruits, or taste good, every year so we keep them all. Too bad Flavor Supreme never has fruit, even though it has been on a 3-N-1 long time ago. The pluerries are also very sweet when ripe.


Thank you for figured out. I think Flavor Queen Pluot is the best match with my tree. Thank to Raintree now I had a pluot in my garden which I never think about try to plant in PNW .
Anyway do you have Flavor Queen Pluot Steve? Information said they are not much on the fruit market . which one you like better flavor?
Any of us here look back your trees make sure don’t have the same problem like us . Maybe the wrong label mistake helps me about earlier ripping time especially in Seattle areas.


I grew Flavor Queen for a long time but was never that fond of it. Very sweet but not much flavor. My favorites are F Supreme, Geo Pride, F Grenade, Flavor King, Crimson Royale, Honey Punch, F Treat, F Finale.


Any of them self fertile and early ripping time and good production Steve?
Do you think my trees might be Emerald drop pluot ?

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@anon18642480 What do you do with all the fruits in Summer? Do you have pawpaw?
I think DWN made mistakes before send them out to nurseries. Your Emerald Beaut and mine came from different nurseries but seem like the same mistake
My Emerald Beaut. Raintree label just said “ Emerald Beaut Asian “ They didn’t indicated plum or pluots when they send out. Except when ordering on their website says Emerald Beaut plum.

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I don’t know about self fertile since I have so many. Geo Pride is available, early, and excellent. The ones with best flavor: Supreme and King.

I dry lots of fruit.


That Plum/Pluot is Emerald Drop/Emerald Gem. Streaked skin and flat shape looks identical to my Emerald Drop Pluots.


That thought crossed my mind as well.


Thank you all of you for information .

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I do not have pawpaw. I am not sure they sell it here, I only know about it from this forum. I will probably dried or make jam from all the leftover fruits.
This is Emerald Drop. It is still not quite ripe but the fruit and leaves look like yours. I bought the tree two years ago and it has a few fruits now.


Yes they’re similar. So if you have Emerald drop pluots that mean your tree is not Emerald drop because both performing aren’t the same. I will updating more pictures in a few weeks after they turn all golden yellow.
Pawpaws are the good fruits to try. Nursery sell very small size tree . They take long time to grow and have fruits. You should buy them as soon as you can. Theirs fruits are not sell in the market. You only tasting the fruits from your own trees .
I just bought a couple more trees good looking size today.


Today I just picked one from the tree. Let you and @fruitnut see color inside and recognize again the name of the tree. It’s really juicy, brix: 18, clingstone.

If not too ripe the inside color look below


Except for the two unusually big and watery ones we picked about ten days ago, the rest are not quite ripe yet. Usually my husband will be the guinea pig and let me know if it would be sweet enough for me. He said it is still crunchy and a little tart but getting more sugary now. I normally don’t cut it for him because the knife make it taste a little metallic. Yours look too juicy to be Emerald Beaut. Another week and I should have Emerald Beaut and Emerald Drop ripen for comparison.


I have some Emerald Beaut and one Emerald Drop today. They taste almost the same, very good, crunchy and sweet when not too ripe. Emerald Beaut has a little more sugar. Doesn’t matter what they are called, I am happy with both.

Picture 1: Emerald Beaut
Picture 2: Emerald Drop and the small Emerald Beaut look like twins
Picture 3: The inside look the same, not freestone


Looking very good. Thank you so much for reporting. Your fruits look firmer. Mine are very sweet and juicy.


Mine will not fruit until next year (2 years old only) but I think Emerald Beaut should be more oval and freestone. It also ripens quite late.
Vincent, I don’t think it’s possible it can ripen at the same time as Nadia that you are currently harvesting. My Nadias ripened about 3+ weeks ago (zone 7A) so if my Emerald Beaut was to ripen at the same time it would ripen one month earlier than Modesto, CA (DWN’s data) which is impossible. My guess is that you have Emerald Drop…unfortunately


How is the health of the tree compared to other stonefruit? Do you spray?


If you live where it rarely rains during the growing season, pluots are fine, but in the humid regions certainly some can be a challenge as their tendency to ripen hard can lead to a lot of cracking. I don’t have enough experience with them yet to offer reports of significance, but I’ve been cropping Flavor Grenade for 5 years but only ended up with a good crop once. It was dry for a month leading up to harvest.

However, I live in a sheltered spot that holds a heavy dew for too long. This also leads to bacterial spot problems with many West Coast bred varieties of pluots and even J. and E plums.

I haven’t planted that many yet in other orchards and won’t be able to provide definitive info for a long time, but keep in mind, commercial West Coast growers complain about the tendency of pluots not to crop well and are often not very profitable for this reason. Never underestimate the value of a variety to consistently crop well. Home growers need all the help we can get.


My Emerald Beaut plum bought from Raintree. Growing super fast. No chemical or fertilizer at all . At least double speed compare with others stone fruit. But no fruiting early even a lot of flowers every Spring.


Looks delicious. I’d love to get some dormant scions from you this winter if you’re willing to trade or send for postage. Looks like it went off patent last year.