G-78 Black Persimmon


Had not heard of it but i know how to find out more about it.

In warmer climates black persimmon is called black sapote but it is Diospyros nigra

Seedlings are around $50 and are zone 10 hardy

This is not to be confused with Diospyros texana

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - The University of Texas at Austin.

Or to be confused with the frequently used rootstock black date plum Diospyros lotus which can survive zone 6 - 9 in my experience. It is used often for kaki or hybrid rootstock

Finally back to your question about Diospyros virginiana

This publication below discusses positives and negatives of this type of tree and its diseases. Specifically black spot later referred to in the Claypool documents.

We have discussed much more here Who's Growing Improved American Persimmons? Suggestions welcome!

Specifically this post Who's Growing Improved American Persimmons? Suggestions welcome! - #259 by clarkinks
Claypool Orchard Records copy.pdf (12.5 MB)
Claypool orchard 2005 (1).pdf (619.4 KB)

On page 30 of the 12.5 MB records of Claypools orchard we find G-78. It calls the color a 5. Skin was a 6. -35 degrees celsius = -31 degrees fahrenheit so it could be Claypools since it worked in his climate.

Unfortunately Jerry Lehman has passed away. The information is very limited we have.