Before I knew better, I cleft grafted an Italian Plum to White Gold Cherry (on top of Gisela5). Cherries are not ideally suited to my area and birds take what little cherry my tree produces.
The graft took off and grew quite well last year. I expected this graft to die off this year but it seems to be sprouting and putting out leaves and maybe a flower bud or two.
When should I expect this to eventually die? Or is there a possibility that this may actually have taken?
I top worked the entire tree with 7 additional varieties. In some cases I used Adara/Puente inter-stem. I also grafted on an Adara Plum by itself to see what it will do.
I also added the same varieties to my mature Asian plum tree. Total of 18 grafts now on that tree.
Summary— they all produced heavily for a couple of years and then abruptly died!
I suspect late graft incompatibility. Adara is the only scion that is continuing to grow well on both cherry and plum.