Back by popular demand!
My “Namwa” banana cultivar is currently endowed with an inflorescence of bananas. Colloquially we refer to it as a “bunch”, which is further divided into “hands” (sometimes what you get at the grocery store, although more often half and quarter hands), and finally “fingers” – the individual banana fruits (what you’d normally count at a grocery store).
This contest is to guess how many fingers are in this bunch. The final count will be determined by the almighty banana counter Janet after said bunch is hung in the garage. Historically, at least one person has matched every contest. One entry per username please.
All guesses (entries) will be tabulated on this site and a few other participating sites. Any and all entries that match the actual count will receive a free 5-lb bag of “16-8-24 Fruit Fuel Fertilizer” shipping charges included – provided the USPS delivers to your city, state, and country (a surprising number of countries qualify).
Winners will be notified by personal message. If you don’t wish to receive a prize that’s fine – you’ll still get the glory!!
Disclaimer: I am 100% retired. I do not receive any income, royalties, etc. from distribution of this product nor will I share your mailing address with anyone. In fact, I’ll keep it in a separate directory.