Honey Jar and Sugar Cane Jujubes just became available!

Very cool!! Your Honey Jar is putting out some long fruiting stems and has baby blooms as you thought. Last year my Li did not put out a lot of upward growth but did fruit it’s heart out. This year it has taken off with upright and lateral growth. That upright growth will take off soon. The SC is going like crazy. :+1::grinning:

I guess the koolaid pushers have done a good job on you and Zack. If I remember correctly neither of you have tasted the flavors yet…at least you’ve got pitchers of it brewing!!



You bring up the one thing that sort of worried me about my HJ…all the growth has been lateral. Nothing vertical, so obviously I’m concerned about how my tree will every get bigger. Of course I know if it stays alive that eventually it should send up some vertical growth, but its hard to see where it will come from and when it will happen. So I’m glad you mentioned that and said it will. My sugar cane, on the other hand, has already sent up 2 new, good looking vertical growth-either of which could easily be a new central leader.

BTW, to you or @jujubemulberry , I don’t recall much conversation in the way of pruning. What is the general philosophy on pruning jujubes? Central leader, open center, modified CL, other system, or none at all?



Actually I have noted even on my young Contorted and HJ that the fruiting stems are tangling up together. I have blamed the incessant wind (which I’m sure helps) and I find myself trying to straighten them out only to find them retangled. The Li is just trying to see how far apart it can space it’s branches




I think the basic philosophy is not to prune however I defer to others with more experience. @jujubemulberry does cover some reasons to prune in his book which is nicely explained but it deals mainly with pruning either lateral growth or upright growth to enhance fruit production according to your growing season. Basically at this point wth young trees he has advised me not to take any growth off that is above the graft union. @BobVance has a lot of trees and could chime in on that and also @castanea has much much experience. Not to mention @tonyOmahaz5 and @Bhawkins (another dfw grower). Calling all troops!!


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in areas with long daylight hours, jujus don’t really need pruning, since the flowering(fruiting) stems fall off in autumn, and old laterals that get shaded by laterals higher up will regress.

but as @k8tpayaso mentioned, there’s not much pruning methods needed in her orchard since her trees are grown out in the open, with no trees/walls or structures nearby which may block sunlight.

if you’re growing your jujus near tall structures, especially in northerly latitudes where overall(annual) daylight hours are so much shorter, it is best to encourage your juju to get tall as it can be, at least to be taller than nearby trees, or at least taller than the shadows being cast on the juju by nearby trees/structures.

it may take long for this to be attained if planting near structures/trees, so best to find the sunniest spot in your orchard. Once you’ve estimated the tree to have maxed out its full exposure to sunlight(or won’t get substantially more sunlight with additional height), but still not fruitful, you should be on the lookout every spring for upright growth, removing them as they develop, and just let the deciduous flowering stems grow. Upright growth is more stem than leaf(compared to flowering stems, which have very thin stems and plenty of leaves), so upright growth is a huge drain on the food supply coming from the roots during spring. Important to note that growth in early spring is mostly an initial net loss of sugars for the plants, especially when producing thick and long non-photosynthetic stems.

there are youtube video posted by chinese farmers and korean farmers promptly pinching upright growth buds. At any rate, upright growth is only useful(for attaining height) initially when there are too many tall structures near your tree which casts shadows over it.

getting rid of upright stems thickens the lateral stems(as well as prolong the laterals’ lives), which bear fruiting spurs(from which the deciduous flowering shoots develop from ). When grown out in the open, you could train your jujus into bonsai’s by getting rid of all upright stems, and just let the laterals do their thing, i believe i posted a link somewhere at growingfruit about jujus being grown like tomatoes, bearing fruits at less than 3 feet tall with very thick and old laterals.

one more note, fruiting spurs are stems, but very slow growing with short internodes, and each year of growth increases the number of nodes from which the deciduous flowering shoots will develop from.

below is an old contorted lateral which bears at least two flowering shoots from each node/fruiting spur(usually only one and somewhat short and spindly on its first year), which results in shaggy, weeping appearance

below is a shaggy lateral which also developed upright growth. Upright growth is seen here as a tan and freckled growth with sparse laterals. Being young, there are not many nodes on the still nascent/microscopic fruiting spurs
Fruits may be borne on the laterals of this young vertical stem, but not as much as the shaggy lateral stem it bolted from, which evidently has denser production of fruitlets.

so as not to digress too far from main topics, below are pics sugarcane fruitlets and honeyjar fruitlets, respectively. SC and HJ are two of the earliest jujus we know of. Contorted’s and li’s are also early


your trees are looking good! And is that your burro? It is a cutie!

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Yes, that is Murphy.

Very nice!! Sugar Cane doing very good as well for you. We seem to be fairly close, yours looks a bit more vigorous than mine at this point. Going to be a fun summer. I can’t wait to add a few more “koolaid” trees.

murphy looks like a stuffed toy. With the endearing eeyore ears


And those ears are so soft and lovely! He was to be named after the donkey in Shrek but that was just Donkey so his name is Murphy after…Eddie Murphy… just a side note. He has to pose with the jujus to get into this thread!!! :joy::joy::joy:


Can someone tell me where I can purchase the coco and tiger tooth jujubes. I have searched everywhere on the Internet. Thanks.

You should be able to get Tigertooth from JustFruitsandExotics. They don’t have any in stock, but it would surprise me if they don’t get them in again this fall or next spring. When I spoke to them, they mentioned that they have a huge Tigertooth tree on its own roots which throws off suckers. Some they grow out as Tigertooth trees and others they graft to. So, JFaE is a good place to get Tigertooth.

I’ve only seen Coco at One Green World. All their jujube trees were pretty small and pretty expensive, so you may be better off getting a much larger something else and grafting to it.

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So my Honey Jar (planted this year) started blooming today. Interestingly, it is blooming before my Contorted So even though Honey Jar broke dormancy well after the Contorted So.

The smell is unique. It really reminds me of grape soda.


Mine was the same. Both are new trees this year but the HJ planted later leafed out later but bloomed earlier than my Contorted.

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being obsessed with jujus, we don’t just rate the fruits of our trees, but also the flowers :wink:, and hj’s are truly up there in fragrance among common cultivars.
li, sihong, sherwood, and silverhill also bear grape soda-scented flowers and are some of hj’s equals in fragrance.
sugarcane blooms are also sweet-scented but smell of pina colada.
contorted’s and chico’s are the relatively common cultivars with unscented or weakly scented blooms.

was actually hoping to differentiate @BobVance 's budwood this early by taking a whiff of the flowers(hoping they’d be stronger scented), but made this mistake by grafting them to sugarcane, which is filling the courtyard with fragrance, so couldn’t tell if it was the budwood’s that am smelling.

may have to cut off a flowering stem and bring indoors for definitive findings.


I never realized that. I get plenty of grape soda smell from my So, which I assumed was coming from the main tree. But, it could be coming from one/several of the ~15 varieties grafted onto it.

I checked out some jujubes growing at a rental that I planted this spring. It’s not just my yard that they are slow to wake up in.

This Lang has tiny green buds. They were small enough that from a distance I was worried that it was dead.

Sherwood, less than 20’ from the Lang, is showing much more growth.


I seriously can’t get enough of this tree!! I love it and it has quickly become my favorite!! I have a co-worker that has a 15 year old jujube tree that produces large amounts of fruit every year. He doesn’t know the name but promises me a sucker off of it as it sets a lot of suckers up near where it grows. So glad y’alls got me into these trees!! Fun!!!


Looking good! I enjoy mine too. You can see changes nearly every day. One of my other jujus is setting a lot of fruit so I’m really excited to watch it. :+1::smiley:

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The suckers may be just the rootstock so you may graft them over once they get larger. Use your friend scionwood.
