Out looking at my trees this afternoon. One of the bare roots that I just got you could say the color of the branches is a yellow color. That tree is just beginning to leaf and it’s leafing multiple areas. Couldn’t help but think about it when I noticed the color…
Going back and reading…were you saying the color of the branches were yellow or the cambium? I may be misunderstanding what you were saying.
some juju cuiltivars (li , being one i could remember) actually have yellowish or even orange-ish tissue neath the bark with hardly any green. Presence of moisture is an encouraging sign as well, as menioned by @scottfsmith
she got it bad! But hey, seems to be a promising venture since bare root jujus may cost up to 60$ apiece and still get sold out
It’s a learned behavior! Now, what examples of this behavior have been conspicuously evident that I could have copied?
The cambium is yellowish green. I checked again when I got home last night and last year’s growth, which is reddish, has a greenish yellow tint, not like apples or pears. The bark of the branches does not appear wilted. I tried to scratch off at the trunk again and found nothing green, but like you said it is a very hard wood.
Well that is good to here because that is what I have. Thanks for the input.
not sure who copied who.
though quite evidently 'a jujube in every pot(or can, or yogurt cup) is the shared motto
below are the three dubious ogw cultivars(all over again…)
from left to right autumn beauty, massandra, and winter delight
Ugh ohh. Are you saying OGW looks to have sent out the wrong ones again this year? Or is this more of a one bitten twice shy type of thing.
Hey Katy, I’m curious about the paper clips in your koolaid cups. I could have missed that discussion since no one else asked. What are they for?
I’m using them to label the cultivar. Blue is a Honey Jar seedling, Yellow is for Contorted. Red is spinosa. Etc. was just trying to find a quick easy way to mark them. I’m thinking the sun is going to blister that vinyl coating on them and it will fall off. . It’s okay for now. Because, when possible, I want to evaluate the fruit of the seedlings I’m trying to keep them labeled.
Those are getting big!!
I grafted most of my larger ones. I kinda miss looking at them and knowing that I watched them grow up…it’s kinda like cutting their heads off!!!
I added a Sugar Cane from Burnt Ridge and a Contorted from Clifford England…making me 3 in total now.
Contorteds are so intriguing. The fruit is okay. Not the best but good. Mine fruited first year last year.
Those look suspiciously like Ziziphus mauritiana. They’re no good if you’re zone 6. Maybe you know this already - not sure.
yet to find out if they did. They seemed to have messed up our massandra order last yr.
may take a few more yrs to tell,since fruits will expectedly be tiny – if at all, they will bear fruits this yr… the tiny trees they still are
agree, those are not of jujuba species
I probably need to box them up and ship them to someone that wants them.
Did you order seeds from somewhere?