Just noticed my Honeysweet pear with this Harrow Sweet graft on top from a couple years ago is starting to blossom now–the end of summer. What the what?
rootbound autoflowering?
There are a lot of fruiting/flowering trees that re-flower at this time of the year.
What’s that? This picture is at over 6 feet tall.
Why would my pear do this when none of my pear trees have ever done this before?
Two of my pears do that now and then. It didn’t seem to hurt the tree the next year.
Different fruiting trees will do this at different times. Sometimes I think the fruit tree is confused as to what time of the year it is. At times I noticed it is after a sudden cold spell. I had two apple trees that had a branch that re-bloomed this year. Last year I had one branch re-bloom and it was a different apple tree than this year. I also see some crabtrees re-blooming. Also some magnolias are re-blooming.
Do you actually get pears from them later in the year?
To be honest I’m not sure if that bud will flower again in the spring but there was no overall ill effect to the tree as a whole. One of my Asian Pear trees is doing it right now.
Did you ever get apples from them? We certainly have had any cold snaps here. It’s been consistently hot. We did have late snow in April that wiped everything out on them, but now all of a sudden?
No,so far the fruit never matures. Sometimes the fruit does not have enough time to ripen. Nothing to worry about just sort of a cool thing to see happen I think. There are a few apple trees that will actually get two sets of mature fruit on them in one year but it is a variety for the very deep South where they have long summers and very mild winters.
I think when the weather does strange things like you mentioned it throws the tree off some. Probably will not happen next year if the weather is more normal than it was this year.
I took pictures of the one branch that bloomed last year because it was such an odd occurrence. It was just one part of the branch that had blooms on it, about 6-8 blooms. Nothing on that tree this year, just the normal blossoming.
Wow! I thought that was just a citrus phenomenon.
Or Freedom blackberry phenomenon.
I have noticed some pear trees doing it around here as well. Even some of the Bradford type pear trees have blooms on them again. Just parts of branches.
Yeah, its just one bud that shoots up and flowers on a branch full of buds. I thought the tree was just practicing.
Practice,practice,practice. These trees never can practice enough to give us delicious fruit!
Not as unusual as you would think. We call those summer blossoms annoying here because they will get you fireblight but not fruit
So should I chop them off? Here in dry Utah, fb isn’t that big of a deal.
I’d leave them. It will not hurt anything. They will fall off in the winter.