Scott’s way is organic. My way is for convenience’s sake. Since I spray Spectracide Immunox for apple cedar rust, it also helps with scab and powdery mildew. So, myclobutanil ( the brand I use is Immunox) is what I use.
If you read the label, you are supposed to spray for pm at one stage and scab at a different stage. Me, I just spray after petal fall 10-14 days apart. That’s all I need.
I just had a chance to look at the label on the bootle of my Immunox. It lists amenlanchier rust. I assume amenlanchier is serviceberry. So the product should work for your serviceberry rust.
The above weevil is not the Plum Curculio, I will try to ID it further.
Key features will be black, speckled, antennae short and originating at mid-snout.
Dark and speckled or mottled weevils number in the hundreds of species, but I like
Larinus turbinatus for this ID, as it is a good match for at least 6 body features and it is a new introduction (from Europe) for Pennsylvania and Maryland.
^ click on Info and on Image tabs on this page for more information.
(matches: black body, speckle pattern, curved thorax junction with wings, snout size, antennae length and whitish knobs, PA location)
Although this is one of many thistle weevils, adult weevils can be found in many scattered areas outdoors.
What is this on my citrus ?
Kind of dry , crystalline thing .
Indoor citrus in Wv. On its way out for the summer
Noticed for the fist time this year , on several indoor citrus .
Have a large collection ,and never saw this before
These guys are busy crawling around on peach leaves. I sent the pictures to an entomologist at KSU and was told, based on pics, it is a black wasp that doesn’t really cause any damage until fruit ripening. Then they will make unsightly holes to feed on juice.
Does anyone disagree or know if I should be more concerned right now? We are a long way from harvest time. Thanks!!
So cal mike. thanks for the link
I went to the link you gave and indeed the white exudate looks like it.
But how can that be ?
I have not brought any new citrus here for3 yrs.
Inspect plants regularly . And have never seen any psyllids here.
Like I said I am in Wv. Defiantly outside the citrus belt.
Could something else be causing similar symptoms ?
The plants look healthy , and it’s only on a few trees.
Just never saw this before , and have had citrus here for many years.