@Susu I use myclobutanil, Eagle in my case. I think Immunox would also work and I don’t know why its not on the label.
Scab is hard to control organically, but it can be done, I did it for about ten years with a whole lot of sulphur.
@Susu I use myclobutanil, Eagle in my case. I think Immunox would also work and I don’t know why its not on the label.
Scab is hard to control organically, but it can be done, I did it for about ten years with a whole lot of sulphur.
You guys are good!! Thanks so much @LarryGene and @Bradybb. I am happy to learn it is not detrimental to the plants, maybe even beneficial! I have plenty of the plant eating kind.
Horned Passalus, more commonly known as a Bess Beetle.
Not a pest of gardens.
CAR and FB, a double whammy. Spray.
thats what I thought. The battle begins.
Really, you might as well put off the battle until next spring - for this year, it’s already lost
I should at least be removing the effected leaves. The thing about it is this is the disease resistant rootstock I am growing out.
You should be cutting back the branches with FB now
I have 2 pear trees that had a very large percentage of pears deformed this year. probably 80% of the baby pears on these trees were deformed with big lumps on them and strange shapes almost from petal drop. Then after about a month, almost all the deformed fruit and quite a few of the normal looking one are covered with this oddly, almost florescent orange substance. Some googling suggests it might be fire blight, but that doesn’t fit in some ways. For example, these trees have none of the telltale dead, blackened tips that my other fire blight stricken apples and pears get. But maybe it just hasn’t shown up in that form yet.
So, what deformed my pears and caused this orange fungus? Thanks.
That’s one of the rusts like I get on my cedars. I don’t know which one exactly infects pears, but it looks like the strange formations I see on the native cedars (really junipers, btw).
On pears, it’s called quince rust. If you do the search engine, there are quite a few threads talking about it. It sure looks ugly.
Well that is just great! One more enemy I have to fight with sprays. I’ve not really had to spray my pears in the past…so much for that approach. And strangely, I’ve never had much of a rust problem with any of my apples. Oh well- at least I know. I did read the treatment suggestions in the other threads now. Thanks
Help with my strawberries? These are Earliglow, planted this spring. I’m in Massachusetts - Zone 5b/6a.
Several have hairy, brown disfiguration at the leaf edges:
Others had leaves folded in half:
What do I have here? And what do I do about it?
Thanks in advance!
Various moth larva go by names leaf-tier, leaf-folder, leaf-roller, etc., depending on how they remodel the leaf. Not sure if Bt will get inside such folded leaves.
Looks like Strawberry Leaf Rollers are common, this becomes a tortrix moth.
Looking for confirmation that these are some sort of leaf hopper… they certainly seem to hop away when I try to get a good picture😉
Yes it is a leafhopper.
Philbert: It has more of the arched, crested body shape of the treehoppers, rather than the leafhoppers or planthoppers. Note also the close posture of the legs, rather than the more spread-out and torpedo-like leafhoppers.
@LarryGene Thank you very much! That explains why I had a hard time finding an exact match searching for “leaf hopper.” I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge! Also… it’s amazing to see the range of body shapes for tree hoppers, and some are quite exotic looking. Very interesting.