Yes, yours is one of the more plain-looking hoppers, likely one of the Buffalo Treehoppers, genus Ceresa.
I was wondering if anyone had an idea what these bugs might be. The picture isn’t the best (sorry but the best I can do with my camera), so let me describe it some:
They are currently dead, one or two of them at the tips of some branches on an Early Fuji apple. I also see one on the underside of the leaf here and there. They appear “stuck” to the end of the branch or leaf; I can move the branches around and they don’t come off. They are roughly 3/16" long, clear winged, black body and might be a wasp or perhaps just a fly (hard to tell the body shape as some drying has occurred).
(The bugs are on the top of the that branch in the foreground, at the right end, somewhat out of focus)
Anyone have any clue what these might be, and if they are friend or foe?
This one is watching over its nest of very many little ones just hatched.
Steve333: Cannot ID the insect from the photo, but one possibility given the description is a moulted exoskeleton of some bug. These can be quite lifelike but do not move when disturbed.
See if you camera has a “macro” or even a flower mode for closeups.
Thanks Larry. Here’s another from my cell’s camera (odd that the cell phone’s camera did a better job of close in focus than my separate camera, but who knows). Anyhow this pic shows what’s left of the bugs in much better detail.
Looks like a dead fly to me. Lol
If there is nothing sticky on those twig ends, I don’t know what is going on. It does look like flies (if one pair of wings rather than two pairs)
That is likely Entomophthora muscae , a fungus that kills flys
They often climb to the top of a plant with a death grip. And die.
Thanks Hillbilly. Nice to think I might have some of that fungus around, as I didn’t spray any insecticides on the trees this spring.
And while I’m glad they are dead, anyone venture a guess as to what type of bug they were, friend or foe? Just wondering if they are something which needs to be managed in the orchard.
mamaug: possibly a treehopper nymph. How do they move when disturbed?
Hillbilly: very interesting, thanks for the info.
It did move. The look of it ( not the color) reminded me of a frog. It did not hop but just move away like other bugs when I tried to touch it.
Ihave not seen it before so I was curious. Thank you.
Looks like earwigs.
Yeah, earwigs
How they manage to get into the bags when most other insects don’t is a mystery
Earwigs have no problem climbing in through the lower corners of bags that are cut for ventilation.
Other insects try to get in where the stems are. If bags are tightly closed , those bugs can’t do anything. Also, PC or coddling moths seem unable to fly through those two corner holesto get to fruit. Hope they never figure it out.
I love finding these worms in this condition.
Found several of these feasting on my elderberry plants yesterday, any ideals what it might be or become? Friend or foe?