Insect and Disease Identification Thread

…and a dead insect is even easier to examine for leg count.

Without knowing what that larva was eating, it may have starved without the exact right leaves. If it was crawling around in the jar rather than staying still or writhing, it was not injured.

The larger and showier of the scorpionflies occur back East. Some smaller species are in the PNW. I have never seen one here.

I assume this stink bug is a pest? Found on an avocado seedling in the greenhouse, but it seemed inactive, not feeding actively.


Yes, stinkbug.

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Are all stinkbugs pest species? I would assume at least most of them are.

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Yes, pests. They will strip a tree pretty fast once there are enough of them.


Stinkbugs feed by piercing and sucking plant juices rather than stripping via chewing.

A small percentage of stinkbug species are “predatory” and are beneficial.

The yellow rim on the swincher stinkbug may be a key ID feature; I will look for an ID as time allows.


If I have a tree with them on it I presume they are not being a benefit to the tree. Tough to identify a group of them if they are perhaps different species. So I spray them all.

Looks like swincher has the common “Green Stinkbug”, Chinavia hilaris, a pest species.

Here’s a little nymph (I assume) of something… maybe a leafhopper? EDIT: Google lens says some species of thrips probably, I guess.

Not very sharp but I think your first guess is closer though.

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It’s very small, hard to get a better photo with my phone, unfortunately.

yes, I understand. What is the plant?

It’s a very new avocado leaf. Sap-sucking insects love them in the early spring in the greenhouse, but so far mostly just aphids and soft scale.

I don’t say this is the species, but very similar to the one in your picture.

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Actually a great photo just from using your phone.

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The swincher photos are fine, plenty of detail for a general ID.

I agree with the no07 ID suggestion.

Thrips at all stages are a little more slender than leafhoppers.

Thrip eyes at all stages are completely different than leafhopper eyes that clearly show in the swincher photos.

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Very fast little fly (I think?) hanging out near a grow light, seems like a predator probably, and they are lucky to have evaded all the many greenhouse spiders:

That reminds me of the Breaking Bad series episode,entitled,“Fly”.

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Maybe a type of Phorid fly ?

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Definitely Diptera (flies).

…but dissimilar to Phorid: Swincher fly

  • has red eyes, not dark eyes
  • has stubby antennae, not threadlike
  • does not appear to be hump-backed like Phorids.