Insect and Disease Identification Thread

Use of online tools for insect ID needs the same caution as when electronic calculators were introduced in the 1970s. Anyone could peck at the keys and get an answer, but the instructor’s advice was to decide if the answer “made sense”.

So for insect ID, a double-check using a more detailed website is useful.

One webpage I use frequently is:

^ small batches of images per beetle family.
This can narrow down searches by eliminating many beetle families.

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two of my fig are struggling
ischia and a CH.

first two photos are the ischia. last one is the CH. I’m planning to get that ch in the ground this year, should I just go ahead and do it?

I’m not sure what they need. gave them fish fertilizer two weeks ago or so.

also I had a major aphid attack on my plum tree, spent an hour just now washing everything I could reach with a hard hose spray. waiting on the ladybug eggs to hatch, the mantis cases in that tree too. I hope this knocks them back enough so the tree is ok until they emerge. I also have eight and sevin and and specific killer stuff just in case the good bugs can’t keep up (like right now, but I’m trying the hose first)

worst aphid year for this tree ever.

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Here’s another one I’m not familiar with. It was pretty quick. I didn’t kill it. Got many insects back there many pollinators and spiders. Also fig wasps.

Anyone recognize this bug?


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I’m not really familiar with rust were I live but the one time did have a fig that looked like that I was slacking on water and possibly getting the tree wet. The tree did better when I started feeding and watering but I still had some problems because it was rootbound. Ended up cutting a lot of roots off and the tree is very healthy now.

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one is in a grow bag so should prune its own roots; I may unpack the other from its pot and take a peek. we’ve had a lot of rain, I start watering in earnest this week.

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Hello- @rossn suggested I post this here. No insect in sight, just a 4” deep hole in my peach seedling overnight. About 1/4” diameter. Put a wire down it and didn’t spear anything. Seems small for a carpenter bee, though I have many solitary bee species around. I’m on northern front range of Colorado at 5000’. I am curious and a bit concerned, as this is a special order late blooming peach variety that I have high hopes for. Thanks!
PS Sorry I posted this in other spots on this site. Still learning my way around and appreciate this helpful group of fruit growers!

Forget about the leaf symptoms, you have no actively growing shoot tips. This means some possible combination of not enough water, root bound, not enough fertilizer.

In ground is much more forgiving than pots–better water and nutrient availability (unless you’re in an especially dry or nutrient poor area). But expect there to be a lag period between planting and resumption of growth. Same goes if you root prune.

Your leaf symptoms look a little like one of my figs. I didn’t harden it off well enough before moving it out in our sun (or possibly there was a frost I missed) and it appears to have got burned (badly) 2 months ago. It’s just now spouting new leaves. Any chance that it got some frost or not hardened off before getting full sun?


I’ve noticed this issue on a few fruitlets of my Prinzenapfel about a week after last frost. I’ve removed the others and kept these five to see how they develop and whether they make it past July. On other varieties frost damage results in slightly girdled or prolonged fruit with a rusty ring, but not on this one. Unless it’s something else and the frost was just a coincidence.

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My plums are getting rampaged by aphids this year too. The ladybugs finally showed up in the last week, so I’m hoping they can clean things up for later in the year.

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This is happening to the tree that got aphids the worst and earliest - it’s an italian plum. Could this be damage from the aphids themselves, or something else?

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Was there anything applied to the tree,like an insecticide?

Nope, haven’t applied anything to this tree (at all).

Other info that might matter - this tree gets a lot of shade, and it’s been a cool spring and early summer so far.

Quite often a combination of aphids, powdery mildew and shade. Leaves/branches in sun tend to recover much better ( and are less prone to mildew ). Spraying after the fact would get rid of the cause, but the damage would show anyway.

Spotted some spittle on one of my haskaps today and spread it a bit to reveal the insects hiding inside:

Also watched this earwig slowly hunting for mites or something similar on the avocado leaf surfaces in the greenhouse today; they sometimes nibble new leaves on the trees a little, but never more than cosmetic damage, and I see them being predators far more often, so I generally leave them alone:


Ahh… interesting. I’ll remember to check next time! Yeah, I don’t like earwigs, but good to know they are predators. I just love it when I have a foiled graft or similar, open it and 20 earwigs and a pile of poop comes out :slight_smile:

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Google lens says this is Carabus nemoralis, it was found “stuck on its back” in a ceramic saucer for a large pot, but seemed very alive when I flipped it over. My daughter put it in her bug zoo, aka my quarantine area before deciding what to do with a bug.


that’s a beautiful guy.

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Assassin bugs?

ID is likely correct as this Carabus species from Europe is quite common in northern states. It could be one of the other Carabus species. These ground beetles are beneficial.

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