That is very typical growth when it grows rapidly. Karl’s favorite is one of the least appreciated pears out there. The tree that it is growing on will likely fruit much heavier in the next few years. Once you have grown it and tasted it you will see what i mean about it tasting good and producing very heavy. I use it mostly to pollinate Warren , but i also love the pear by itself. The real question is does Karls Favorite aka Ewart trigger a hormone in the tree as well as pollinate other pears or is it just a pollinator. That growth has always made me question if it may induce fruiting on the tree in multiple ways.
We know rootstocks influence fruiting and we know scions have some influence on fruiting My latest pear experiments in early fruiting . The phenols are likely much higher in Karls favorite causing rapid growth at the graft Grafting and callusing explained in every detail - tbud pear example
Back to the fruiting hormones Is it possible to make pears fruit faster? . "Fruit set has traditionally been attributed to the action of three hormones, auxin, and/or gibberellin, and/or cytokinin " Frontiers | A dynamic interplay between phytohormones is required for fruit development, maturation, and ripening
Metabolic Profiling of Developing Pear Fruits Reveals Dynamic Variation in Primary and Secondary Metabolites, Including Plant Hormones
Every pear i observed growing in the unusual way that karls favorite does seems to fruit very quickly. That encourages me to think maybe we can attribute some visual observations to certain hormones in certain trees. I have a callery rootstock that induces heavy fruiting at an early age due to.incompatability much like a quince induces heavy fruiting. Observe the callery rootstock on this thread which was very difficult to graft Grafting and callusing explained in every detail - tbud pear example . Once i realized by much trial and error the secret of how to graft these unusual genetic mutations of callery pears i see their usefulness. The hormones in that callery pear or the hormones of Karls favorite hold secrets in hormones triggering fruiting in my opinion. I did no branch bending etc. On the callery below that is natural growth.