Is this a loganberry?

@DennisD … that trellis of logan canes next to my home… is on the east side… gets only morning sun… and they love it there.

Once that trellis gets covered with pcanes…
The next spring by mid May this is what it looks like.

Massive amount of fruiting latterals covered in berries.


Hi Trev,
Very impressive! So after the laterals produce one year, how do you prune them to get the same production year after year? At some pont do the P canes die out?

@DennisD — Those pictures — the Top one probably mid May, and the lower one probably late April… by the end of May the first ripe fruits are coming… and by the first week in June and all thru June they really fruit heavily… and will continue until early/mid July.

In June while the Fcanes are fruiting like crazy, the new Pcanes are coming up all in there, and they grow fast and tall…

The first year I had to figure out what to do with those… because my entire trellis was already completely covered with fruiting canes already. I had no where to tie up the new Pcanes.

What I did that first year was I temporarily put up a piece of cattle panel out in front of my fruiting canes and I tied all those quick growing pcanes on it, tied them up… and kept them tied up there until the Fcanes finished fruiting…

Then I took out the Fcanes, and tranferred the Pcanes from the temporary cattle panel trellis to the main trellis against the house.

It was sort of a mess that I did not want to repeat each year… had to do something different.

It took me a couple years but I finally figured out… that those early pcanes that come up (while all the fruiting is happening)… I can just cut those off… chop them up and use them for mulch.

Earlier I said I cut off the early Pcanes in June (this year) and again in July… just completely cut out all of the Pcanes that had come up until about the first of July…

Then when the Fcanes finally quit fruiting mid July… I cut them out (took out all the spent Fcanes)… and had more new Pcanes coming on… Those are the ones you see on my (against the house) trellis now… those were maby 2-3 ft tall mid July, and since then have almost covered that trellis. By November they will and will run off it some.

Here in TN… the Logan is very vigorous at sending out Pcanes… so much so, that you can just cut out the early ones, even as late as first week in July. Then when the Fcanes stop fruiting mid July, you can take them out, and you can then tie your new Pcanes to your original trellis.

I am not sure if they would grow and produce such an abundance of Pcanes like that everywhere… but they sure do here in the South.

I have seen others on Youtube showing having a really large trellis space for their Logans… and letting the Pcanes fill up half that space… (say for example the left half)… while on the right half… the Fcanes are fruiting… so basically half of your trellis space is reserved for Fcanes, and the other half for Pcanes… that makes it easily manageable.

I intended to do that myself, but that first year when they grew up so vigorously… I ended up letting them cover my entire trellis… and the next spring when my entire trellis space was covered with Fcanes fruiting… and I had all those Pcanes coming up too… well that was sort of a mess. I did figure out a way to deal with it, but not ideal.

What I am doing with them now… works well… but I am not sure it would work everywhere (up north for example) if the Logans do not grow as vigorously up there… as they do here.

Since they do grow so vigorously here… I can just have that one trellis space and let them completely cover it… then the next year when those canes are fruiting… and the new Pcanes are coming up… I can just prune off the pcanes, and keep them pruned off until July… and after I take out the spent fcanes, I have my entire trellis space to let the Pcanes take over… and they do they grow like crazy from July until November and cover that entire trellis and more.

I may be the only person in the world growing Logans like that… but hey it is working great for me and it simplifies things some too.

Hope this helps.

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@krismoriah … i have propigated via tip rooting my logan twice and moved those to other locations. Both are absolutely thorn free.

Below is one of those.

Well, this city installed a new utility pole right next the the berries I pictured earlier. I have taken a couple of samples. I will pot them up in the morning and hopefully get an idea of how these berries can perform. I think they will need a season of optimum nutrition and light to reach full potential next year, but I may get an idea of what they might be like in the future.

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They have overcome their disease and transplant shock issues. They are well behind the ones by the pole, but the floricanes are leafing out and the first primocane is showing.


2 crowns of my thornless logans in that pic.

They are pushing pcanes now… one has 9 pcanes already… the other 8.

2 pcanes from each crown will completely cover my trellis and run off the ends.

how did those come out?

those are kind of looking like Tayberry the more i look at them. Flowering time will narrow it down more.

Still nothing out yet, they are outside next to a north wall (night temperature are still low)

That is Tayberry in the ground behind them. I am pretty sure it is not Tayberry in the pots. I don’t see any evidence of European genetics in the morphology. I will watch it grow under controlled conditions to be sure, but I suspect it is a hybrid of American species. To me, it looks like a shiny Loganberry.
They don’t have the strongest roots right now, so I won’t really have an idea of what they are like for a year or two.
I think I have two thornless brambles that have popped up in our dahlia bed. They are probably deposited by birds that ate a few of my PAF berries last year.

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I am using this as a reference, and I know I have another source or two buried in my files.
European-Blackberry_Management-Guide_CNLM_2019.pdf (1.2 MB)

Best idea i have seen in awhile. Nice looking berries as well.


Good procedure for those who do not like caneberry pith. The only time I remove some piths is when partially mashing berries in a large bowl for baking, for cosmetic purpose.

I would think more people do not like caneberry seeds. That would require a very small straw for removal.

The Logans he is picking would be way too under-ripe for my taste; a fully ripe Logan would not remain intact if handled like in the video.

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Raspberries I do not mind the seeds, but I would rip every blackberry I have out if and when they come out with a seedless variety.

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They are working on it now using CRISPR gene-editing technology to change the DNA of cane fruits.

The future will have thornless, seedless fruits.

Its pretty amazing all the nutrients and compounds and minerals etc etc that is actually in canefruit seeds. Far more than what you can imagine.


…and I was wondering about the nutrient content of the piths (that were being removed in the video above). I’ve always eaten them, but I also peel my apples, not liking the peels, and waste those nutrients.

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I have a neighbor at the opposite end of the block who also appears to have a blackberry/raspberry hybrid under a utility pole and on a fence line. It looks more like Tayberry in the thorns and cane thickness. None of the red color in the canes. I will try to get ahold of the guy before he kills it.


Still nothing :confused:

I went to the nursery today and plants where on sale so I bought another thornless loganberry, the one I have from another supplier is realy not a vigorous grower.

I’ve removed the fruiticane from the plant I bought and scraped the roots and the crown hoping to have new shoots with thorns. . .

I will PM you info to help you out.